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Maxthon3 Help

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Sun, May 19 2013 5:18 AM (18 replies)
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  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 9:14 PM


    Mr. Nickle how about doing all of us a small favor and right click on the game window and come back and tell us what version of the Player your computer has.

    if the last 3 numbers are not these 169.dll then from now on you should end your posts as my nickle means nothing and if I am wrong with what I have posted I will award 1000 credits to the person who can prove otherwise.

    You have it ALL! wrong.  I did not make my entry to say you were wrong about anything you said.  I only related what occurred when I changed browsers.  Sheesh get a grip!

    My game window says I have 11.5.502.110, my computer has 11.7.700.169.  I was correct in stating my computer automatically downloads the new versions of flash.  Whether or not my game window has the newer version or not is not the point of my entry, it was to point out what I found was different than what I expected.

    Now that I have attempted to clear up what was a gross misunderstanding, or an inability to read and comprehend what I wrote.  Let us get to the way I chose to sign out on my forum entries, and or posts to a persons wall.  I do this as a point of distinction.  

    Those who care to read my entries can and do remember more easily who authored it because I sign off the way I do.

    If you have a problem with it, you will have to bare it.  MY NICKLE.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 9:25 PM

    I found it was Cloud that crashed. Still on 3 here.

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 9:38 PM


    Mr. Nickle how about doing all of us a small favor and right click on the game window and come back and tell us what version of the Player your computer has.

    if the last 3 numbers are not these 169.dll then from now on you should end your posts as my nickle means nothing and if I am wrong with what I have posted I will award 1000 credits to the person who can prove otherwise.

    shiner, when I right click on the game window, my flash version ends in 278. Is that a later, or earlier version than 169?? I am using Maxthon 3.


    Bob Payne




    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2013 7:38 PM

    my flash version ends in 278. Is that a later, or earlier version than 169?

    Sounds like an early version

    If you get Maxthon Cloud (4) now it will have the latest flash version.

    The latest version as of today is; NPSWF32_11_7_700_202

    Also it seems a few folks who may be having issues with Maxthon Cloud are still running via the Maxthon proxy  service.

    This appears as an icon on the far right hand side of the address bar. Disable it.

    Its also within the Maxthon Options.

  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2013 9:02 PM

    A little confuesed here with my Maxthon flash 11.6.602.171, i never understood why that Proxy is 'ON" so i have just disabled it.

    AdHunter is also 'ON', is that correct ?

    266 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2013 9:53 PM

    switch to mozilla firefox browser


  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2013 10:01 PM


    I was correct in stating my computer automatically downloads the new versions of flash.  Whether or not my game window has the newer version or not is not the point of my entry, it was to point out what I found was different than what I expected.

    But with the best will in the world I think anyone reading this:


    Have been using Maxthon 3 for 8 months? never any problems.  My computer updates Flash automatically,. with no problems.

    is going to assume you mean your computer automatically updates flash and your browser uses this updated version.

    Other wise it's about as relevant as saying your car automatically switches it's lights on when it gets dark.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 1:15 AM

    flash 11.6.602.171

    Older version, if you like, go back a page in this thread there is instructions on how to manually update flash for Maxthon as it doesnt update with the regular updates.


    AdHunter is also 'ON', is that correct ?

    I trust my AntiVirus etc so mine is off.


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 5:18 AM



    If anyone can tell me how to use cloud and still have popup control and the 100% screen, I would be glad to know.  Thank you.  My Nickle.


    In the newer Cloud version of Maxthon they changed how to access the full screen on their task bar. Where the Maxthon3 full screen is accessed by using the % Icon drop down menu in Cloud it is accessed by a one click using the 4 arrow icon (similar to wgt zoom tool) or by still being able to use F11. The access to Popup & Ad Hunter  is the square Icon just to the left of it.

    If anyone doesn't want to backdoor each version of flash into their Maxthon another way to keep it semi current is simply use "About" on the menu and check for updated versions of maxthon. For 3 users though using that will update to Cloud so if you don't want that version then backdooring is the only way to keep flash current.


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