Mr. Nickle how about doing all of us a small favor and right click on the game window and come back and tell us what version of the Player your computer has.
if the last 3 numbers are not these 169.dll then from now on you should end your posts as my nickle means nothing and if I am wrong with what I have posted I will award 1000 credits to the person who can prove otherwise.
You have it ALL! wrong. I did not make my entry to say you were wrong about anything you said. I only related what occurred when I changed browsers. Sheesh get a grip!
My game window says I have 11.5.502.110, my computer has 11.7.700.169. I was correct in stating my computer automatically downloads the new versions of flash. Whether or not my game window has the newer version or not is not the point of my entry, it was to point out what I found was different than what I expected.
Now that I have attempted to clear up what was a gross misunderstanding, or an inability to read and comprehend what I wrote. Let us get to the way I chose to sign out on my forum entries, and or posts to a persons wall. I do this as a point of distinction.
Those who care to read my entries can and do remember more easily who authored it because I sign off the way I do.
If you have a problem with it, you will have to bare it. MY NICKLE.