Ok, I'm going to remove my tinfoil hat for this one, and let the chips fall where they may. Basic economics. It's been bothering me for some time that WGT's VEM / deviations do not seem to affect the better players to the extent that they affect the average player. Obvious answer, the better players are just that, better, so it goes to follow they would be less affected, or, better prepared to overcome the errant shots produced by the VEM / deviations. Obviously, low scores that WGT has stated they are not big fans of are still being posted, so, why do they continue to implement a system that penalises the average player ? Again, economics. I am not talking about the occasional lost ball do to WTF shots ( although that certainly happens). What I am talking about is this...
Player "A" burns up two sleeves of balls a week and hits Legend or Tour legend in six months with all top equipment ( where normally spending flatlines). Equipment & 52 sleeves of balls = $
Player "B" burns up 2 sleeves of balls a week for two years and has yet to reach Legend with all top equipment ( where normally spending flatlines ). Equipment & 204 sleeves of balls = $$$$
Bottom line, the more difficult WGT makes it for the average player to tier up, the longer that player sticks around ( Andysons' "Sticky theory") and consequently the more money that player is going to have to spend to advance. Thanks for allowing me to rant, now, I'll just go back to my own little world where everybody knows me.
Doc :)