I know Doc, I'm just grabbing at straws, I keep trying to fool myself and say it must be me, but like I said before it's been months, I'm not that bad. Don't know if you read any of my other post on the action shots have been doing to me . par 3 hole NO WIND ding the shot ball goes 10 yards to the left of the hole , perfect yardage . Many ,many , many putts stop .2 , not 2 " .2 from the hole . Add 3 yards to a hole that plays long (#5 at Merion ) ball goes 15 yards farther. Dots on the green definitely moving ball goes straight as an arrow.
I keep playing thinking OK it's like a roulette wheel sooner or later the VEM has to go the other way ,well it don't the same results every time. Then I say why is this not happening to other players, how can so many put out scores in the 50s. I just can't figure it out.