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When does the game give in

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Tue, May 28 2013 2:24 PM (17 replies)
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  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 5:53 PM

     I know Doc, I'm just grabbing at straws, I keep trying to fool myself and say it must be me, but like I said before it's been months, I'm not that bad. Don't know if you read any of my other post on the action shots have been doing to me . par 3  hole NO WIND ding the shot ball goes 10 yards to the left of the hole , perfect yardage . Many ,many , many putts stop .2 , not 2 " .2 from the hole . Add 3 yards to a hole that plays long (#5 at Merion ) ball goes 15 yards farther. Dots on the green definitely moving ball goes straight as an arrow.

    I keep playing thinking OK it's like a roulette wheel sooner or later the VEM has to go the other way ,well it don't the same results every time. Then I say why is this not happening to other players, how can so many put out scores in the 50s. I  just can't figure it out.    

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 6:15 PM

    Have you tried  another  putter? I had the level 92 ghost for  awhile  and my putting stats went down. Went back to my old ROSSA and yep they started to fall more often.  Putting stats are back up. Not in  the 1 putt  60's like the GREATS of this game but ok for me.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 6:30 PM

    I've tried everything you can imagine


    I don't think so Gary...


    You have to be creative at times...i/e, you mentioned "just started punching"..well, now look at the green grids via Pitch on your approach......don't just play the wind, play the slope...37 yard punch might be full 35 no spin, or some back spin at 40 yards to catch it and spin in or close.


    Use that approach (no pun intended) on all your shots.



  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 6:45 PM


    OUCH did someone just stick a needle in me......LOL   seriously I'm trying to keep a good frame of mind about this. I want to give up, but I'm hooked. I want to keep trying but I keep hitting the brick wall . 

    I'm losing friends over this damn game. 

    Its time to take a break .You are trying too hard , and thats the problem .Yeah I know your pain , be going through the same thing . Got tired of being a T/M , and decided it was time to tier up . Been playing my butt off to get my avg. down , yet felt like I too was hitting a brick wall . So I backed off for awhile, and just played practice rounds to keep my cdp going. Finally , Ive gotten down to 62.26 with just a few more good rounds needed , and soon I`ll be in the parking lot. So back off for a little while , and take it slow. Things will get better you`ll see. Hope this helps. Happy Swinging


    15 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 7:50 PM

    I agree there are way to many scores in the 50s and if you notice they dont make those scores outside of the tourneys ive been playing this game everyday almost for 3 yrs and trust me I have never had any one shoot a 27 or a 58 against me and I think that is very odd that it is only in the tournaments 

  • jlucky3333
    1,215 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 2:24 PM



    I'm losing friends over this damn game. 


    Also Gary. I am sure that they do not shoot low scores all the time. Go into a Ready-Go leader boards and look at all the Withdrawals and which players they are. They also have their bad days too. Like someone mentioned before may be time for a break, LOL.

    Gary good luck and always have fun, it is just a virtual game.


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