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Is the game " Too easy?"

Sat, May 25 2013 9:01 PM (14 replies)
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  • Kratan
    35 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 1:23 PM

    Now i love wgt, since i got back into it im enjoying it. But im looking around and personally when i shoot a 18 round underpar im happy.


    But i looked at the Virtual US Open. And the current cut is something like -10? Personally when you see a pro go -9 it is truly something special. But here it seems you get to a point when your playing when that is the " Normal and anything less isnt up to skratch "


    Im not even sure how you could make the game harder, any longer and lower levels struggle too much. And i dont think its actually distance that makes the game, i think once you master the meter, you pretty much have it. 


    This isnt a flame / hate against the better players. As they are that good as they have earned it. But what do you guys think? I mean i remember watching some tournaments where the cut was +1 in some majors. And i highly doubt we would ever see that here.



  • dario2589
    202 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 1:38 PM

    The game its more easy than real golf? well yes... but at the end you are competing against real players with the same rules for all, so the difficult part its there. If you make the game harder you dont gonna reduce the gap between the players anyway...

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 1:44 PM

    If I can shoot 3 - 4 under , I`m a happy camper .I dont play for credits , I`m a casual player . I usually play stroke play single rounds , and free tournaments . I dont expect to shoot those scores , and have no intentions of trying .The game is hard enough for the majority of us . No matter what WGT does , it doesnt seem to affect those players anyway . No matter what the cheaters , sandbaggers , or multi accounters do , the solutions will only affect the honest players . Nothing has been done to reduce the lower scores , or to make scoring more realistic , from that point of view . So if the changes which have already been made , are to no avail , then what would you suggest ?

  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 4:59 PM

    -9 it is truly something special

    lmao...have you seen the tourny scores...

    for ex  -  im a legend..on olympic the winner at present is a 24.......

    i thought i was doing well at -6 for 9 holes at oly.. lol nowhere near good enough..

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 5:39 PM


    -9 it is truly something special

    lmao...have you seen the tourny scores...

    for ex  -  im a legend..on olympic the winner at present is a 24.......

    i thought i was doing well at -6 for 9 holes at oly.. lol nowhere near good enough..

    I believe the OP was referring to PGA players.


    Hey...I'll one up you on your -6...


    I shot a 25 in a Cabo 9 hole ready go, came in 2nd place..Courtney01 shot 25 with a hole in one on 7, to beat the tie breaker!...LMBO!


    Good times!


    PS..she cheats;)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 5:59 PM


    I shot a 25 in a Cabo 9 hole ready go, came in 2nd place..Courtney01 shot 25 with a hole in one on 7, to beat the tie breaker!...LMBO!


    Good times!


    PS..she cheats;)

    LMAO OF course everyone who scores better must cheat!!!!! Well if it makes us feel better, that's fine to believe.

    Very nice shooting btw.

    And I know Fronnys feeling, I was 7 under at Oly F9 but I play purely for fun and never even contemplate winning. The scores are really irrelevant as long as you enjoy the game.

    As for the OP. yes looking at the scores the game is too easy but anything that is done t change that will result in even more complaints. At the end of the day, it is just a computer game not real life golf.

  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2013 12:28 PM

    lets be honest,,the good players on here are monsters,,just great at this golf game..lots of time has been spent by these players,so they know where the best place to postion there ball on the greens...

    like someone said before,u can play them on space invaders,and there rubbish,,its just like most things,,if u pick it up straight away,u gona be good,at a certain game,but not so good at others..

  • BearsJState
    10 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2013 12:49 PM

    I believe that there are many that spend hours at this game.  I play everyday and if I shoot a few under I am happy.  When I see Master players or higher shoot -10 or more at places like Bethpage, Merion or alike, it makes me wonder how this possible.  Through out the game i have had bad breaks, tough putts or even have bad lies.  To be able to always put your ball on the exact spot every time is almost impossible.  I don't think the game is too easy, I think that players find the loopholes and find the wrong ways to beat the game.   

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2013 12:58 PM

    ut what do you guys think? I mean i remember watching some tournaments where the cut was +1 in some majors. And i highly doubt we would ever see that here.

     the cut line in a major is not the same as the cut line for qualifying for a major. Most of us never see the scores that it takes for the players who don't have exemptions into the U.S. Open to qualify for the U.S. Open. I'm sure the scores in the regional qualifiers are much lower than the cut line for the U.S. Open. Also the low scores here are for the most part due to the fact that it is unlimited attempts. 

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2013 1:24 PM

    To be able to always put your ball on the exact spot every time is almost impossible.  I don't think the game is too easy, I think that players find the loopholes and find the wrong ways to beat the game.   

    There are no loop holes or wrong ways to beat the game. Those players have mapped out their clubs so that they know just how far they should go in any situation. That comes from many 1000's of ranked rounds and  who knows how many practice rounds. You have been here almost 4 years but you have only played 240 ranked rounds. Compare that to the 4000+ I have played and the almost 5000 Bolloxinbruges has played and the almost 10000 rounds that JJ656 (the leader in the U.S. Open qualifier) has played. I may never make it into any of our majors but that is because of 2 reasons, I am older and have fairly slow reflexes and I putt very poorly. But even with that I can shoot a great round at times. I had a -13 59 in a CC tourney @ Best of famous holes this morning because I am finally starting to know how far my clubs should go in any situation and I am starting to putt a little better. 

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