WGTadmin:Career earnings reflect everything you have won or attained
by playing World Golf Tour.
Wrong, I'm afraid.
A whole class of earnings, i.e. challenge wins from Matchplay, Blitz, Skins, is not included here.
Furtheron, the display of career earnings in $$ is deceiving IMHO, misleading at least, because it creates the wrong impression that real monetary value can be earned here. In this representation, I see a clear breach of your own T&Cs which name "credits" exclusively and exclude any monetary value. While there is an official exchange rate for $$ to credits, there is none in the opposite direction.
WGTadmin:Career earnings are a combination of WGT
credits, values of prizes/trips won in tournaments, and promotion bonuses
earned from advancing through the tiers.
Are you serious with this? I'd like to get an explanation which WGT credits might be addressed besides tournament wins and bonuses(?)
BTW: The only entries of career earnings in the FAQ are to contradict your first phrase. 'Nuff said.