I'm intersted in joining your club. I sent request to join.
Request accepted Todd - Welcome to the Club!
Kelly has put together a very professional CC, and for new players starting out this is worth more than just a cursory perusal. Look before you leap!
The Oddballs CC is growing slowly but steadily. Still got room for plenty of players - especially Euro based and female members (as we are somewhat heavy on the male and US based player side).
I would love to join the Oddball CC
And so you have...
Thank you Kelly ..i can see you run a fine club and put a lot of time into it =-) .
In spite of a late rush of new players we still have slots available - European based and female players especially welcome but if you are of the male persuasion and happen not to reside in Europe we will still put out the welcome mat for you!
I sure am interested in something new and for a change
kelpei: I sure am interested in something new and for a change
Invite sent