We will start shortly a MP tournament featuring :
CC owner ---> tuxedo2 CC owner ---> carolineRobert
Here are the details for this event :
Location ---> Merion full 18 holes
Mode ---> scored
Conditions ---> default
Timer ---> set at 90 secondes
Time frame to complete the match ---> 2 weeks once we start
Once the tournament begins , it will be the responsability of players to come here on this thread to post their final result like 3 & 2 or 2 & 1 ...which means (for anyone who doesn't know) 3UP and 2 holes to go. The results will be posted in a chart (speadsheet) to make it easier for all to see and follow this event.
Also , it will be the responsability of players to contact each other and agree on the time and date for their match. I suggest you guys send a friend invite to your opponent. The official list will be up soon. Thx
ps : the goal of this tourney is to have fun by playing with some nice folks from another CC and maybe add some friends along the way. GL to all and enjoy