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What do I need ?

Wed, Jun 5 2013 7:56 PM (20 replies)
  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 9:56 AM

    We have a lot of members in our club that use Skype and most have no issues with it interfering with the game.  The key thing about using skype is having enough computer and bandwidth in your DSL to effectively use it as you play.  It's a great tool!


    A Band Of Brothers CC

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 10:03 AM

    It takes up more space than others, that's all I said. :-)

  • TheBird123
    3 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 10:11 AM

    If a guy is going to spend the amount of time required to "Master" this game I don't understand why he would not so situate himself to be able to do so and actually enjoy the experience. So many are mistakenly mislead by the false belief that Skype his a "resource hog".....wrong. VOP is very lean.

    The issue is the machine (golf clubs) one is playing with. I have a fairly modest machine my self but have no problem playing the game and working in Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Illustrator (resource hog) ect... , while Skypeing all at the same time.

    I would recommend a system upgrade to any having issues. For around $500 a guys can get a "screamer" that will do the job and then some. Does watch a 19" black and white TV anymore.


  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 1:19 PM

    Skype is a free app download for PC, but as stated previously you need a mic & Speakers or headset which is not expensive. I have not used team speak before but have used Ventrilo. Skype is a much better app.  IMO !

    The main thing with playing here is to have a fast internet connection, lots of PC memory, a decent graphics card and great hand - eye coordination of reflexes. 

    You will still get some meter lag no matter what, just not as often. 

    if you have Skype and someone your playing with doesn't there is always wgt chat.

    Good Luck & Happy Golfing and I also sent a CC invite which is optional.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 2:26 PM


    It takes up more space than others, that's all I said. :-)


    You didnt use the word "space" at all.. You typed something like.. " seem to take up a lot of room"


    What does "space" & "a lot of room" mean to you? In computer terms.



    @ The Bird 123

    Hewsey post is incorrect.. He miss quoted.  It was Courtney  that typed that Skype seems to take up a lot of room and space.

    I was the one that typed "Your computer is the  best club in your bag"

    BTW, Skype and Google Chrome work alongside excellent together.  

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 10:10 PM

    Hey, I have never claimed to know much about computers, but forums are about opinions. Some people have large hard drives and some don't. Some people have high spec computers and some don't. Some people have mega fast internet and others don't.

    I was having meter problems so I removed Skype and it helped. Hugs.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 8:26 AM


    Hey, I have never claimed to know much about computers, but forums are about opinions. Some people have large hard drives and some don't. Some people have high spec computers and some don't. Some people have mega fast internet and others don't.

    I was having meter problems so I removed Skype and it helped. Hugs.


    You didnt really answer my question.. but hey.. the forum is only for "opinions" not Q & A... 

  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 9:59 PM

    Skype has never caused me any meter problems. Close out your profile page while playing, that was me worst enemy. Under your options, close out invites from friends. Also check Adobe website storage manager, block all but WGT.

    Hope that helps,


  • babbaloey
    32 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:15 PM

    You don't have to voice on Skype, you can type and that takes no cameras or mic.