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Multi-player stroke etiquette

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 8 2013 7:09 AM (9 replies)
  • MickAnderson
    105 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 1:03 PM

    When I play stroke games, I like to play in groups of either three or four, because I like the competition of going up against a couple of different folks at once.  One issue I've never found the "right way" of dealing with, is when I join a game as the second player.  

    I don't like to immediately lay down demands on other people's game, so I don't like coming in and saying "3 or 4 please", as it sounds like I'm trying to lay down the rules.  But if I say nothing and just wait, often times player 1 will just go ahead and tee off, which sucks because I will immediately leave and there's a chance that it will cost us both reputation % (or however that's calculated these days).

    Now, I've always thought that when there's only two players, that player 1 should really ask before teeing off, and sometimes they do, but not all the time.  

    To me, it seems logical that people looking to play a stroke game would want to play in a group (otherwise I'd just play head-to-head or skins or whatever), but some don't think that way I guess.

    I know only a small % of players read the message boards, but just in case anyone happens to see this - if you're a stroke player and you see me as the only other player in the game, please do not tee off, because when the game has loaded you're going to find that you're by yourself.

    Anyone else had this same issue?



  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 3:29 PM

    Now, I've always thought that when there's only two players, that player 1 should really ask before teeing off, and sometimes they do, but not all the time.  


    I agree.

    If I am out hunting a stroke round with players I do not know, I will usually leave the lobby if it's just me and the host.  If I keep finding the same game when I hit search again, I will either type in a comment of 3 or more please, or just leave and finally set up my own round.

    I just hate picking the course, so I like to find a game others have started already.


    I like 3 or more players for two reasons mostly, 1. more xp's ( if you finish with all who start) and 2. Chances are, at least one player will quit and you aren't left playing solo.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 4:00 PM

    I have given up on searching for games, as invariably at least one of the players will not finish, therefore less XP's than you SHOULD earn (this needs to be fixed IMO) the time it takes to complete sometimes (especially when you all get booted back to the lobby when a player just x's out), so will only play with friends now.

    But the benefits are you can learn from the other players so it is a pity that we all have these issues. You could always ask in the forums if 3 others want a stroke round and invite that way to form a game. Would be nice to have a lobby you could ask but that seems to fall on deaf ears at WGT.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 4:06 PM

    Anyone else had this same issue?


    but seeing as nobody here gives a crap, I'd suggest
    you keep searching until you find yourself as 3rd or 4rth player.

  • MickAnderson
    105 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 4:54 PM

    Sometimes it doesn't cost any % when you just refresh your page after player 1 tees off, but that's only if he also leaves and waits the 2:30 so that it says "Nobody finished, this game was not counted" (or whatever it says).

    Unfortunately, I've been hit % points many times because, whether through spite or not realizing that there's a way to exit without losing %, player 1 continues with the round himself.  When this happens, player 2 is dinged.


  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 10:39 AM

    Just set up your own game as random. Then your not choosing the course and you control how many players there is to start.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 10:56 AM


    Now, I've always thought that when there's only two players, that player 1 should really ask before teeing off, and sometimes they do, but not all the time.  

    Yep. Very good point Mate and out of courtesy, personally it's something I would always do.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 12:44 PM

    If I set up the game, I generally tell the other players that I am waiting for 3 or 4.  If I join the game, I feel that it is rude to demand but I do see most of the players ask if it is okay to go with 1 or should we wait.

    I prefer to play with 3, that seems to be a good group and a good speed.  95% of the groups of four that I play with end up with 2 or 3 when we finish due to someone quitting or poor connection anyway.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 11:52 PM

    Personally i dont mind playing with 2, or 3 players. Infact im happy to play with 2 and have the other guy leave because at the moment i just want to level up and if its just me i can shoot my round quicker.

    I usually just join and say "happy with 2/3" to let the host know.. doesnt sound like you're demanding anything i think.

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 7:09 AM

    I dont think it would be rude if you were to ask in the chat that you would like a game with more than 2, rather than quitting on the 1st tee.  

    It can take a long time to complete a game with 4 but 3 seems to be a sweet spot, for me.