I was in a game earlier today, and one of the guys left. It was going to be his turn next, and my turn after his, but after the guy that was currently shooting took his turn, it went to the guy who had left the game, on my screen. The other two people that were in the game said that it was my turn (complaining that I was taking too long for a 4 ft putt), but on my screen, it was not my turn.
There is probably only a 1-3 second window in which a player can leave that will cause this bug, but it's there, so it'd be cool if you could make the game prevent this from happening or at least recognize it and fix the problem.
Just to make it clear...
Player 1 was shooting.
Player 2 was on-deck, but he left.
After Player 1 took his shot, it showed Player 2 shooting on my screen, even though he had already left, but Player 1 and Player 4 both said that their screens were showing that it was my turn.
I couldn't shoot, so I had to leave the game.