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Mon, Jun 10 2013 1:50 AM (14 replies)
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  • robb626
    19 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 2:14 AM

    this post is for WGT. while i enjoy a challenge this game has become so insanely difficult for me(lvl 87 master 65.05 avg)that i find it hard to justify continuing to spend 6.75$ for a sleeve of balls when i  know that i will probably never advance  much beyond where i am now.  it now takes a 9 hole score of -4 (extremely rare) for me to receive a  .5 deduction in my avg ,this has become very discouraging and i suspect i am not alone. this is the best golf sim i have found and while i understand that the object is for WGT to make money i think that the game is to hard to expect people to continue to  pay your prices.

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 11:35 AM

    I can't really empathize with your statement...

    Who forces you to buy those 6.75$ balls? Not like you got clubs with fast meters anyway, nor do you need them to score low with those clubs from the short tee's.

    You got the best clubs available at that level (except your Irons but thats a different story),

    Why do you"have to" pay 6.75$ for those outragous max meter balls? Their whole purpose it the extremely slow meter, which doesn't seem to help you with 65% Driving and 68% GIR, while they lack spin and have less durability.

    You can get Callaway tour (i) s balls for 2.50$, with 1 dot less in distance but 1 dot more in spin (huge plus), additionally, they even have more durability than those rip-off max meter balls...

    Either way, that's that, what exactly do you mean by 'incentive'? You're not playing tournaments of any kind.

    Or do you mean the incentive to move up to the next tier? Well, there are other ways to lower your average: By beating higher tiered players (in your case tour masters and above) in Scored or Challenge Matchplay.

    But...if you can't get your avg. low enough to advance to the next tier, you shouldn't be in that tier, while others who should be one or two tiers higher don't play any kind of stroke format on purpose to stay on the Lady tee's.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 12:33 PM

    Nu hau mal nicht immer so drauf bitte!

    @robb: 65 avg. means to shoot 65 (32 / 33) to hold it, and better to improve it. To advance in tier, you need a 63 average which requires even lower scores.

    This is a fact as much as it's a fact that others have done it before, including myself *laughs*.

    You have good equipment, expensive balls, why shouldn't you do it over time? If you feel like myself that 2 $ per ball is too much, take less expensive ones, adapt to the meter speed. My favourite now is the lvl 33 Callies (250 crs), before it was the WGT Tour-SD (65 crs).

    Most of all: Have fun! You will become better and advance for sure!

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 12:51 PM


    Nu hau mal nicht immer so drauf bitte!

    Ich finde ich habe mich noch einigermaßen zurück gehalten, zumindestens nach dem kleinen edit *cough* :)

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 2:52 PM

    i have no sympathy for your situation. i'm in the same position as you. you don't need to use the max balls. the lethal or callaways will work just about as good and are way cheaper !! one foot in front of the other !! keep playing and some thing will click for you whether it's reading the greens better or figuring half spin works better in some often - have fun !!

    P.S. if the game were to easy everybody would be tour legends. what would be the fun in that. i think it's great to watch those guys play. it gives me incentive to be as good as them eventually !! it's a great feeling to have a decent round while playing with players above my caliber !!

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 5:36 PM

    robb- I think the biggest problem is being realistic about the goals. I'm a level 85 master, average 70.03 who will be a master for the rest of his life if I stay. That's ok. I play recreational games, try to play a full 18 instead of 9 at a time, have never played a game for credits or paid an entry fee. I have never paid out of my own pocket to play here. I play with real-life friends when possible and just enjoy the game. Fretting over each score will get you nothing but anxiety and high blood pressure.

    It might be next week, next month, next year or next decade that you advance (or not) but so what? Just like my real-life golf game it ebbs and flows and one day when you're really relaxed things might just click and the mental light will come on for the next step. Or, you'll advance because WGT is still counting scores from 10 years ago and you've had 3 or 4 good scores a year.

    A lot of people around here envy those -4 for 9 holes rounds you do get from time to time. My best ever 18 on any course is only -6. I have never had an average under 70 (I'm finally getting close) in the six years I've been here. I was made a master when WGT went to the current ratings system was implemented years ago. At that time my average was 72+.

    The suggestions about cheaper balls is a very good one. You will be more accurate with the increased spin and will be able to adapt to the meter speed easily.

    It's all about perspective and perspiration in this game. You might have the perspiration but not quite the perspective yet. Me? I think I have the perspective but I know I will never put in the perspiration required to reach an elite level.


  • robb626
    19 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 9:22 PM

    your right the slow meter does'nt help a lot but i use the max balls because i'm partialy paralyzed and my fingers dont work as good as they should so the  slow meter helps.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 9:36 PM

    The people above have it spot on. Ditch the Granny balls.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 10:34 PM


    your right the slow meter does'nt help a lot but i use the max balls because i'm partialy paralyzed and my fingers dont work as good as they should so the  slow meter helps.

    Try those slow meter L1 Cally's...might be a good compromise for you.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 10:48 PM

    this is the best golf sim i have found

    And there lies your answer - it is the best golf game around. As SR says, set yourself realistic goals and don't get caught up on your average or tier, just enjoy the game, play with friends.

    One goal you can set is to reduce that 18 hole best score as I am sure that was set early on.

    My long term goal is to make TL, whether I actually acheive that is irrelevant (but also unlikely lol), so I set goals constantly as the incentive to do better lies within yourself. Learn from others, play with better players for help and tips/guidance and read these forums for tips and I am sure you will get there, and after all, if it was too easy we would all just give up and walk away.

    As for the the Max balls, IMO they are overpriced and only advantage is the ultra slow meter and concur with other posters. The attributes are poorer than much cheaper alternatives. Occasionally I will use the "granny balls" of I am really out of sync, but then find myself clicking very early nearly each shot, so what a waste of credits lol. Try the slow level Callys, a couple of sleeves for the price of one.


    Edit - I sent a friend request so hopefully we can have a game soon.


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