RKPayne: The 50 ranked rounds is 50 as Tour Master. The 500 is 500 Ranked Rounds as Legend. Neither is the overall total, just the number required in that tier.
How can you say that, i cant type the username here on the 1 i mention, but i played against him in a stroke 9 on merion, he were lvl48 tourmaster and had been member for only a couple of months, could check his stat and count his ranked rounds from the very 1. as hack to his tourmastertier, 48 totally played, and the day he had played the 50.he get tier up to legend, so the 50 ranked as tourmaster dont fit in this specific users statistic. cause he only had 50 totally ranked rounds when he get the tip, a big problem for him, i guess, play with lowlevelclubs, there is a very long way to the best clubs!
I just checked his stat, joined in march, totally 40 ranked rounds, i have almost 2500 in my stat. Well 40 ranked rounds lvl 61 and legend with an avg on 62.25, how is that possible with only 40 rounds ranked + a bunch of scored matchgames? Doesnt cc-tournaments and wgt-tournaments count as ranked?? Well now i start rethink, he had 48 on tm when i played him and 40 now, what means he got reset to 0 in totally whe he got tier up. OMG so i've played almost 2500 from the tip since october. lol