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What have i got done

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Fri, Jun 14 2013 7:42 PM (9 replies)
  • Divot1971
    52 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 7:25 PM

    It does not matter what web site i am on i here wgt music and i can not turn it off and when i try to play a round of golf i click the play now box and nothing happens. I'm not a computer wizard so can someone tell me please what i have done.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 7:49 PM

    When all else fails turn off your computer and start over.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 8:13 PM

    You know you have been playing too much WGT hear the WGT music when you are asleep.

    On a serious note it will be flash related, clear your flash cache for a start, or may need to update flash. Try playing on a different browser to see if it works for a start.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 8:29 PM

    You know you have been playing too much WGT when................

    LOL, that's the first thing that ran through my mind when I read this post.



    Try ctrl/alt/delete and check your task manager.  The game window may still be running somehow and you may be able to end it through the task manager.  Or just shutdown your computer, then turn it back on.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 9:09 PM

    Or just shutdown your computer, then turn it back on.

    I never shut my Computer all the way down ever. Rule of thumb for me is .....Always restart the computer before playing any video game even if it is just a Flash game. This free's up all system resource because even though you shut processes down Windows has a funny way of running slower than usual after being on for a while even if it is not being used. I used to reformat my computer every 3 months when I was a hardcore gamer to make sure that I have a clean OS running without all the garbage that is collected by windows after the initial install. You know a computer runs amazingly fast when you first get it and reformatting makes it that way every time.

    Windows (microsoft) have definitely improved over the years without having to reformat at all anymore but boy I remember Windows 98 OS and that was a piece of crap OS especially for gaming purposes. Windows ME was a better OS at the time but needed reformatting often.

    Remeber to do a clean back up or mirror image before doing anything to your OS or your asking for trouble. Make sure you have the original reformat CD if one came with your computer or just make one using the system tools provided by Microsoft from your Control Panel. If you have no idea what I am talking about then just forget about it and do nothing.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 10:34 PM

    l've been whistleing it.....sad or what?


    You know you have been playing too much WGT hear the WGT music when you are asleep.

    On a serious note it will be flash related, clear your flash cache for a start, or may need to update flash. Try playing on a different browser to see if it works for a start.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 10:37 PM

    Very wise information pjctas,  I did mine without the hard disk, had to hire a geek freek to fix it $60.00 an hour.  Took 2 1/4 to make it right.  my nickle.


  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 1:05 AM

    The better option (IMO) over reformatting every 3 months is creating an image of a fresh installation. It only takes about a minute or two to put the image back on the pc. Every time I think I might have caught something nasty or something's broken, I just copy the earlier created image to my pc. Including reboot it takes me about 5 minutes to recover from any problem (except for when the thing bursts into flames or so)..... a lot better then the half a day or maybe a full day (or even longer) it will take you with a reformat + full new installation.



  • Divot1971
    52 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 1:17 PM

    Thanks for the replys guys the problem is taken care of and it turns out all i had to do was just ask the wife to fix it.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 7:42 PM

    ask the wife to fix it.


    Please return your man card after your next round ;-)