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Tier promotion DURING a multi-stage tournament -- [protest]

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Mon, Jun 17 2013 3:54 PM (23 replies)
  • KennyPerry
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 7:45 PM

    Has anyone experienced this?

    So I'm practicing all week to try and get the best score in my Tier and then after posting the FIRST PLACE score I get bumped to the Master level.  My avatar's name is KennyPerry.

    First off lets use some common sense.

    The system KNOWS when I'm in a tourney and they KNOW when it will be over.  They shoot me tons of e-mails to the fact.

    But now because I've been dumping cash on better gear and spending time practicing I get YANKED to the Master tier DURING the TOURNAMENT I've entered to try and win?

    Here is the response from support where they are more than willing to delete my account if I don't like it.  I told them if they didn't fix that I was finished.  I've been a member since January of 2008.

    All of the e-mails are contained below.  Read from the bottom up.  I didn't want to put things in the wrong context.

    Thoughts anyone?


    Support (WGT)
    Jun 14 17:26 (MST)

    Dear KennyPerry,

    If you would like to delete your account I would be more then happy to take care of that for you. I am a little surprised though since moving up in tiers is generally thought of as an achievement and not a bad thing. It shows that you are a good player and have worked hard to get there.

    WGT Member Services

    Jun 14 17:21 (MST)

    If this is your final answer I want to know what I need to do to DELETE my golf avatar and PERMANENTLY remove my credit card payment information from your system.

    Bumping me after playing ALL week to get the low score in my current tier is STUPID and WRONG.

    Support (WGT)
    Jun 14 16:55 (MST)

    Dear KennyPerry,

    The movement in tiers is based on the scores you shoot. If your scoring average drops below a certain point you are automatically moved to a higher tier. Unfortunately once you are moved up in tiers, you are unable to move back down.

    WGT Member Services

    Jun 14 16:40 (MST)

    So I just placed the low round. See the attached image and THEN you bump me to MASTER. That is VERY uncool.


    Jun 14 16:35 (MST)

    Is there something you can do to NOT promote me during the middle of a multiple round tournament ?

    After all of the time, hours and effort I've put in at my current level to bump me during the middle of a multi-phase tournamanet is very uncool.

    I don't care to go play a few rounds of 'hack' golf to change it either.

    Please advise.

    Kind regards,


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 8:37 PM

    You get to complete any tournament you've entered at the tier you were at when you entered it.  It doesn't even matter if you completed a round, or even hit a single shot.  Once you enter, that's your tier.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 8:39 PM

    Lool!...ya screwing the pooch.

    Please reread what ya wrote...and in 2...maybe week I'll explain!

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Fri, Jun 14 2013 8:39 PM

    Can't reach the par 5's with a drive anymore? Buhh huhhh.

    What is your big uproar here about?


    After all of the time, hours and effort I've put in at my current level to bump me during the middle of a multi-phase tournamanet is very uncool.

    Great explanation on sandbagging.

    Either way, you are in the 'Tour Pro' Leaderboard, thus you will still play that particilar tournament for that Tier.

    Happy now?

    Great first post by the way, way to introduce yourself by threatening wgt with deleting your account because you got moved up from the Baby tee's to the Lady tee's at lvl 80.

    Slow clap

  • KennyPerry
    10 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:02 AM

    First off, I've been a member since 2008.  Just because it is my first post doesn't mean I'm a newbie.  You've been a member since July of 2012.

    Second off, I've NEVER used any of the cheats available and there are a few you can find searching for WGT cheat on YouTube.

    This game played very poorly on my Mac.  It wasn't a hardware issue either.  I had a high end Mac Pro 8-core with two video cards.  It was Flash on OSX and it would be very jumpy.

    I upgraded to a new system in January and finally the game has become more playable.  I've been working on improving my character and my score.

    You go shoot a 65 at Marion, get the best score in your tier and then right after finishing the game get bumped to the next tier and see how that goes for you.

    All the guy had to say was...   "Your still going to get to compete in your current tournament".

    He didn't.  What he did say was that he would be more than happy to delete my account for me.

    I play from the pro tees now and have never hit a par 5 with a single drive.

    I can only reach ONE of the par 5 marion courses in two and that is with a strong tail wind.

    I'm here to compete and to compete fairly.

    If I get bounced to a new tier during competition I'm seriously done with this game.

  • KennyPerry
    10 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:07 AM

    Then why would I get this e-mai this morning?


    Dear KennyPerry,

    You entered the Nation Merion Challenge but have not yet posted a score. Be sure to do so soon, because the tournament will end on June 16, 2013 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time.


    Tournament: Nation Merion Challenge
    Type: Stroke Play
    Date: 10 Jun - 16 Jun
    Entry Fee: Free


    I'm so done with this game.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:14 AM

    WTF is this thread about?

    You moved up a tier, it has no effect on the tournament you had already entered.

    You're no longer a medium sized fish in a small pond, get over it. 

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:15 AM

    Kenny. Because you entered the tournament as a tour pro you still compete in the tour pro tier until it's finished. Your final score will still be listed in the tour pro leaderboard.

    Congrats on the move up to master tier. The game gets better as you move up through the tiers so try and stick with it. If i can help in anyway with a few tips then please don't hesitate to ask.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:16 AM

    Why are you still able to bother us here?

    It's because WGT was hesitant to fulfill your wish to be deleted, much to my displeasure.

    Now go to the tournament and see in which tier you are positioned.

    Then go and play your final round, look which tees you get.

    And don't forget your opportunity to forfeit the tournament if it so pleases you.

    Have a nice day.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 15 2013 6:22 AM

    Your score is there..Round 2 await's...(I would check which tees)....................In future you get a new well at the next challenge and see you on the grown ups tees...