lonniescott711: Its as follows; Hack , Amateur / Pro, Tour Pro,/ Master, Tour Master,/ Legend, Tour Legend .
Excuse me:
What is this way? Tees or greens?
(I still know the sequence of tiers)
As I have always understood it, it is as follows(hopefully more clear):
Hack/Amateur - Easy tees
Pro/Tour Pro - medium tees
Master/Tour Master - hard tees
Legend/Tour Legend - Champ tees or the tips (or parking lot as they are so affectionately called here)
With these greens as follows:
hack- slow
amateur - standard
Pro - fast
Tour Pro/ Master - Very fast
Tour Master - the 1st vesion of Tourney greens (supposedly a slower than the second version but faster than very fast ::shrugs shoulders::
Legend - the 2nd version of Tourney greens (apparently faster than the 1st version, but slower than champ
Tour Legend - Championship
However for some of the RGs and weekly and monthly these can be altered like the Merion F9 RG open to all tiers which has Very Fast greens
I could be horribly wrong with all these, but as I recall my WGT career progression, this is how it went for me