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ready go bs

Tue, Jun 18 2013 6:11 AM (10 replies)
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  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 3:10 AM

    why does this chit game change so much in ready go,s. bethpageblack front 9 birdy first 4 holes then shaft time kicks in no more birdies for me. i no how to score on this course. 9th tee i aim over the bunkers full backspin level 75 nike   my ball goes 267 yards into the chit why?         dont care what any1 says ready go,s are a lottery wgt have given you a score b4 you even tee off. this game was gr8 when skill was involved now its just plain bullchit.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 3:26 AM

    Sad, but very true. I just played the same ready go, lol. 

    First hole perfect drive, left 102 to hole. Full lil top spin 100 yard wedge gos 89 yards, lol, par for me. Birdie #2

    Third hole tee shot 3 mph behind hit 3 iron, touch of spin goes 250 over the back, lol,,what? Par for me.

    Forth hole, 3rd shot is pitch from 17 yards,,,,licking chops here,,,smack goes 10 yards, lool,,,10 yards??? Missed putt by inches,,,par for me.

    Then lets me birdie out for 29 lmao. Not to mention hit to within a yard at #7 lol, and almost holed tee shot on #8.

    Got to love this game. Keep at it, you will get the right ticket soon.  :)


  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 3:34 AM

    your spot on gerald. your 2nd shot on first hole should have been dancing around the pin. wow so short. number 8 was a joke 222 to pin i hut  222 almost full bs lands 13 yards short its downhill 26 foot.  is there any ready go's for 14 credit entry fees  thats all i have left now.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 4:02 AM

    Lol, none for 14 credits. I will say though that its getting so obvious it is comical, lol.

    As long as i can pay for balls now i will continue to be molested, lol. Until i can not i just plot along. Rolling with the punches.

    Don't get me wrong it takes skill to be molested, hehe, but after that your not winning nothing. Hope you get you credits back, or finish in top 5. Good luck!!

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 4:28 AM

    lol gerald. im not botherd about getting credits back. i just get pissed of that everytime i try and compete i get toally shafted by this outfit. it would be nice to hit a nice shot and get rewarded for it. i played in the cabbo open this month 0 mph winds mised a serious amount of dings ball just kept flying at the pins -17 and thats missing a putt from 1.3 feet lol. i new they were giving me that round.  

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:23 AM

    first attempt same course 27 lol. missed a 15 footer for 26. very frustraiting.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:41 AM

      dont care what any1 says ready go,s are a lottery wgt have given you a score b4 you even tee off. this game was gr8 when skill was involved now its just plain bullchit.

    Yes, been saying that for years, a % of players will get hot rounds wher the top 5 will come from, another % will get o.k rounds and double money whilst the rest of the 50 will get deviation effected struggle rounds where they either lose $$ or withdraw.  Thats why there's score limitation on players rounds like my St Andrews mentioned below.  The best scores have all ready been allocated.

    the whole ready go business is totally under WGT influence. 2 days ago i enter oakmont back 9 and par 3's ready go, i was missing ding by  a fraction but shots would land 8 yards left or right, even when i hit ding shots would land well long or short, was like a 5 yard force field around pin on the par 3's.  I score pathetically in both.

    I play same 2 ready go's yesterday, playing exactly the same, in par 3's i was missing ding by more than a cm, yet ball would land within ZERO YARDS on most holes, even the hole i landed 20 feet away i missed ding on putter, yet ball took its own line and got sunk.  The game was "fixed" for me to win the read go.  So as is the norm, next time i enter i will struggle again, so best to keep away from that ready go for a while!


    But what pi55es me off most about this game and you can see the SCORE LIMITATION a mile off, was -8 in St Andrews ready go for the front, i get to back and shots would be un naturally short, wind didn't effect a lot of shots, and i would get putts like this through out.

     FLAT GREEN, DINGED SHOT, yet it starts off left of hole.  4 birdies on St Andrews back 9!!! You make the game totally disjointed with these score limitation "rigged" rounds.  Its blatantly obvious what happened.  Why not give me 6 birdies on front and 6 on back even it out, not make it so obvious VEM or what ever kicks in. I dont care what any one thinks, or the usual players who will try and defend WGT to the max, but as that putt shows, It was clear i was not "allowed" to birdie that hole just like the others i parred.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:59 AM

    your spot on chris. i do believe you when u say we get hot rounds sometimes next time u will struggle with the deviations. winds doing nothing next shot wind takes ball a country mile. players like you chris who have very nice career earnings i take my hat off to you all. i just get to frustraited when i no ive hut a good shot and get screwed. i would like to play lots of ready go's but cant really afford to loase 200 creds a round just to dump because of vem thats a nike ball lol.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:59 AM

    Yes Chris i have been noticing this of late for sure. I think once you have reached a certain level of playing here it is very obvious what is happening. 

    Don't get me wrong i think we need some sort of variance in shots without a doubt, but they way they are going about it i think is not right. I think if going to mess with a shot they should at least let the shot be the right distance. Have the shot spray from right to left but still leave ball on green. Some of these blatant short and long shots make a mockery of the game.

    Also the putting of late, going to mess with a player's putter is down right wrong,,period. I have seen it to many times in the last couple of weeks.

    The game has come down to lotto golf in competitions. I still enjoy the game a lot, but i know if going to compete the best player will not win, and i guess i'm good with that now. Just started playing for credits not to long ago. Long as can pay for balls i'm good. But don't think for a second that skill is winning anything.

    Edit: Lol, Chris i played that same ready go at Oakmont back nine i seen your name on board, i did ok. LOL. Got lucky mate. Also i stay away from 18 hole ready goes, learn my lesson there. :)

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 6:05 AM

    well said gerald. well im out of credits but i have 84 nikes on tap. so im ok the now.

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