Hey, I don't want to get into an argument that with a WGT Mod..I WILL lose..
However we didn't even get a response from the other 4 players never mind the fact that not one of the 4 had the computer skills to post a scorecard. ?
Where did YOU find the winners of those other 2 matches from ?
The rules state the score card can be emailed in to me and did not have to be posted in the forums. Some players stuck to that and others posted on the forums. Either way is fine but you can't get upset if someone followed the rules and emailed them in. No argument here don't worry.
- WGTdbloshoe
Fair enough 'shoe' as neither of those 2 semi finalists had posted their 'cards' in this thread before ...Rules are Rules and it seems everyone adhered accordingly.....That wasn't the point...anyhoo
My statement of tardiness stands and also the lack of feedback was not acceptable ( I suppose we should be used to it by now ? )
If you know what days you do and do not work and have NO access to ANY computer throughout said off day....(really !! seguro ?. I managed to get my last match finished in a friends house in Vienna) ..We hadn't seen each other for a while but I still did take an hour out of that time to play a guy on another Continent....!!
So start your comps on diff day and calculate the times so they don't impact on your day off and you and your GFs enjoyment of Mondays.