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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 2:13 PM




    I have to hold at the top of the back-swing for 6 to 8 seconds in a vain attempt to get a smooth meter. I'm sure lots of others do too.


    Thank you courteney...When i tell people i do this,  they say it doesn't make differnace.. I dont know about you but i have seen a differance some times i let it time out if meter is real jerky...Greg


    Gosh, looks like WW3 broke out overnight (my time).

    I will chime in on this aspect. I do sometimes see the value holding at the top of the swing. I use an older laptop to play, specs are not great but for the majority of the time, my meter is ok. Having said that I use Tanti Meter, which I have open when I play - all it does is monitor CPU usage in real time. Often when I pull back the meter, there is a small spike in my CPU, so I hold for 2-4 seconds max till it drops, then hit. I can't recall holding longer than that and could see no benefit of holding at the top of the swing longer.

    Yes there will be players out there cheating and my guess is they are the players who are still barely breaking par. For me it is a game to be enjoyed (and I don't play for credits) so see little point in doing so, so if I did play someone who used such a program, all I would feel is pity, on them for being so pathetic.

    maybe a few wake up please i reckon well over 50% are and they are good players with it. anyway whats the point wgt will never do anything about it. shame really leaves a bad smell on the wgt game.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 2:33 PM

  • Therockdoctor
    232 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 2:33 PM

    There is a cheat for every game ever created and i will bet the future of gaming will be the same for some time to come .... guess its player preference if you decide to use them or not. i have worked hard on my game here for many years and i enjoy the challenge that brings different people have different views and play for different motives and will go to great lengths to achieve them. could wgt do more to stop them ? maybe, maybe not but what is for sure what ever they do they wont wipe it out !!! guess we just have to live with it  deal with that how you will

  • jcgfree
    1,109 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 7:55 PM

    .I do find it ironic that someone who was called out months ago for using a cheat program is now posting how to spot cheats....and to do in a way that piogen holes most of the players on WGT as cheats is just mind blowing

    First of all , I don't mind saying that I am the one that wrote the post on WGTLS Greg is talking about. Second, my name was never brought up months ago for using a cheat program. If it was please show me here. And no, I hadn't just downloaded it. I have had it for about a month. I used it in practice mode to time the different speed settings you can use. And I used it with a friend so we could see if there were any definitive tells of the program.

    Then in that post, no where does it say or imply that if you are greyed out for more than 4 seconds your a cheat. Nor in this post does it say anything about players taking a long time to set up and execute the shot. Sure I wrote it to educate the players on what to look for. But I also wrote it so players were more educated on how it worked and didn't accuse people of cheating just because they saw a players menu greyed out for a long period of time a couple time. This post has also showed where it is probable where and when the greyed out menu will be that way. I have stated a few times it's the inconsistency of the greyed out menu you should be looking for. Here is something I just added:

    I didn't start this post to create a witch hunt. I just wanted to educate people on what to look for. And maybe learn a few things myself with other people's Intel. I really hope this educates people as to not accuse someone so quick. I say take notes on players that look suspicious and if your sure they are cheating, take care of it the way you feel is right. Maybe if we start naming and shaming, others will back that person up and say they saw the same thing in that persons swing. Then maybe people will be afraid to use the program and stop using it in here. IMO there is no reason that the menu area should be greyed out for more than 5-6 seconds, unless it is a short wedge shot, pitch, chip or a putt, where the player counts avatar movements. For all the other shots, we change clubs before we would be counting avatar movements. Plus we are all good enough and have been playing this game long enough or use shot pal to know how much we need to take off a meter. And for those that hold their meter longer than a count of 2, should maybe stop holding it so long (because there really isn't any reason you should hold it longer than that) so they don't get accused.

    One thing I have learned in life about people and myself included is, when caught in a lie or something we shouldn't have done, we get angry, we lash back at the accusers and try to turn it around on them. Not accusing you Greg. Just Sayn



    Feel free all to go and look at this post all. Surprisingly, this post has been real respectful so far. Seems to have stirred up more over here than there.

    Here is the link:


    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:54 PM

    But..  dincha know.

    It's ALWAYS someone elses fault your game goes bad.


    .. yawn

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:02 PM

    Well lets just say yes your name was on Doc's wall of shame before wgt pulled off his blog posts on his profile under puttsandpints. I'm pretty sure everyone has  read your post i posted it here...You say you didn't start the POST to start a witch hunt....then why post the same ol crap that gordieles posted  3 months the way he was on the wall of shame also..Your post is so vague you only know what your balls and clubs time out ...what about slow meter balls what do they time out with G 20 or G 20 with sirxon balls no clue? no you harp on this 2-4 second crap...what about game lag wouldn't that effect the time also...there is so many variables you neglected not to take into account, your whole approach is far as holding a backswings thats part of my routine done this since i started playing here and i dont think i should have to change the way i play to make a PERFECT WORLD for you to catch cheaters....

    P.S. Cant you see posting this same ol crap and causing newer players to falsely accusing other player of cheating in regular ranked game is sucking all the fun out of the game...You need to remember everyone doesn't shoot the same as you and how you wrote the post if everyone doesn't shoot like you there cheaters....STEP BACK AND REALLY READ YOUR POST DUDE....

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:57 PM

    Seems as if what Courtney says is probably true 

    Is that it? No apology?

  • henRs11
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 12:28 AM

    wgt so unfair was 3= on 8th going to 9th most probly would would have got birdie and froze and said i disconted 3times unfair


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 12:40 AM

    First of all , I don't mind saying that I am the one that wrote the post on WGTLS Greg is talking about. Second, my name was never brought up months ago for using a cheat program.



  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 12:59 AM

    Seems as if what Courtney says is probably true but to me its NEWS i never heard it b4 in my life... so i commented. Just because i comment dont give you the right to start mouthin off like the angriest man in angry land...
    But - to start shouting "BS" like you did because of mere lack of information is likely to start a war.



    My CPU meter proves Courtney's point beyond "a vain attempt" - it's a true observation and it works!