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Does This Wind Meter Even Work?

Wed, Jun 26 2013 7:48 PM (41 replies)
  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:25 AM

    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:42 AM


    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    I really think you just make stuff up to put this game down..


    First question...why would you think a 110 yard starter club into a 20 MPH wind, could make it 125 yards?



  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 9:53 AM



    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    I really think you just make stuff up to put this game down..


    First question...why would you think a 110 yard starter club into a 20 MPH wind, could make it 125 yards?



    Was just going to ask the same thing. Playing a 110 yard club hoping to get 125 yards with 20 HEADWIND is nothing to do with

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:12 AM



    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    I really think you just make stuff up to put this game down..


    First question...why would you think a 110 yard starter club into a 20 MPH wind, could make it 125 yards?



    " " " " " "................................

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:14 AM

    But on a serious note .............yep the wind does not always tell the truth 

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:14 AM



    First question...why would you think a 110 yard starter club into a 20 MPH wind, could make it 125 yards?


    LOL, x2.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:35 AM


    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    Master LVL82 member since 2008 , still using EZ swing clubs , and starter clubs. All of this time , and all of the knowledge in the forums to help you , and you still dont have a clue .You have the nerve to complain , but no sense to learn . "When a wise man contends with a fool , he shall have no rest." This means, when you find a fool , leave them one . See yah :-) Happy Swinging


  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 10:51 AM

    this is getting beyond sad...just stop, giantfan...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2013 1:44 PM


    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    LMAO, as pointed out re your club selection - you were simply delusional!

    As for your clubs in your bag being a mix of starters, EZ Swing and a Ping driver and a Callaway ball just proves you haven't got a clue what day of the week it is, let alone how to play this game. My suggestion is to ease off the meds and come back when you want to learn the game. In your current state you are probably the least qualified person to comment.

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 8:39 AM



    I play a 110 yd 9 iron from 125 yds into a 20mph wind, nail the dinger and it flies 10 yards OVER the hole????WTF

    I really think you just make stuff up to put this game down..


    First question...why would you think a 110 yard starter club into a 20 MPH wind, could make it 125 yards?



    Do you even think about what you're writing before you write it? You ask how I could  think it would go that far with that club and the whole point of my thread is that it went  10 yards OVER the green! 

    And no I don't make things up, I spend real money here so I hold the game to a higher standard than sites that I can play for free!

    I expect a game that boasts of being "realistic' to live up to that claim and to be realistic. Not have shots defy logic and physics just to present me with more of a challenge.

    And if you don't like my threads stop replying to them.