Tip of the day people on this Forum not all but most.No matter what you Post they respond wit sarcastic answers watch the Forum Bully's.
+1 But dont let them get next to you .Most of them are miserable and bitter people , in real life . They will say in the forums , what they dont have the guts to say to your face . As long as they know that they can push your button , that`s what they will do . You know that you are smarter than them . So why act dumber , than them? Just because they show their ignorance , doesnt mean that you have to act like them . You are a better person than that , so be that person . Dont worry about the trolls , the cry babies , or the WGT kiss pants cheer leaders . Once you stop responding to them , they will leave you alone . Ignore them , and they will go away . My 2 cents. Happy Swinging :-)