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WGT more like WTF!!!!!

Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:05 PM (7 replies)
  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:09 AM

    Scored an Eagle in the cup in a stroke match perfect shot. Of course that's the kind of shot you want to catch on replay. So then I had to wait for the other players to finish playing, while I'm waiting the game takes forever to load the next shot, WGT crash again WTF another unexpected or rather EXPECTED error. I go back in to the game I can continue but this time there is a glitch and no countdown timer. I'm stuck on the lobby. WTF WGT FAILS AGAIN. I had the same thing happen the other day with another amazing shot. I have to wonder is WGT just really trying to piss people off? I had a shot that was nearly an Eagle at Bethpage and it rolled very very slowly into the hole but then bounced over it? This game is truly unbelievable....but not in a good way.

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:20 AM

    Also nothing in the stats as the game crashed again as usual, so instead of 5 eagles I only have 3. Damn this crap really pisses me off.

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:23 AM

    first we will try to get to the bottom of this.

    Can you tell me what browser you are using for the game. firfox , chrome , dragon etc etc

    some I say some of these unexpected crashs can be a result of the browser a player is using.

    I experence more crashs on firfox then any other brower.

    Edit: these unexpected errors can be from a number of reasons.

    - opening a game clint while all ready having a game open

    - a drop in internet connection for a few sec`s.

    - a player disco`s & your bought back to the game & the game will crash (that one annoys me)

    - Can be flash based

    - Can be an issue on WGT end

    so there a few differnt reasons for a error to happen in the game. More information you can provide us will help your gaming experence.



  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:31 AM

    I've tried all browsers, well i have a very good connction here. I havent got disconnects caused my connection, only gamecrashes. The best and smoothest browser you can get is maxthon, worst is IE. Firefox is bad too, but they have a good gamebrowser, palemoon, but it dont runs better than maxthon does. Hope you can use theese info, so you can keep up the good work to get eagleawards.


    234 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:50 AM


    ^^^^^ You may need this ^^^^^ 

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 8:37 AM

    At the moment l'm using Comodo Dragon and l use this browser for this game alone and nothing else. At the moment the meter is so smooth and the game enjoyable again.

    l used Maxthon for months and couldn't  fault it and then recently lt started jumping and was 'spikey', cleared cache...blah, blah,so l uninstalled & reinstalled it several times over the last few weeks to no avail. 


    Maybe it was me, but at the moment l cant find fault in Comodo.  


    I've tried all browsers, well i have a very good connction here. I havent got disconnects caused my connection, only gamecrashes. The best and smoothest browser you can get is maxthon, worst is IE. Firefox is bad too, but they have a good gamebrowser, palemoon, but it dont runs better than maxthon does. Hope you can use theese info, so you can keep up the good work to get eagleawards.


  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 4:51 PM


    first we will try to get to the bottom of this.

    Can you tell me what browser you are using for the game. firfox , chrome , dragon etc etc

    some I say some of these unexpected crashs can be a result of the browser a player is using.

    I experence more crashs on firfox then any other brower.

    Edit: these unexpected errors can be from a number of reasons.

    - opening a game clint while all ready having a game open

    - a drop in internet connection for a few sec`s.

    - a player disco`s & your bought back to the game & the game will crash (that one annoys me)

    - Can be flash based

    - Can be an issue on WGT end

    so there a few differnt reasons for a error to happen in the game. More information you can provide us will help your gaming experence.



    Hi there thanks for your reply though I'm well aware of the potential issues causing a disconnect and already try to minimize the risk my end.

    It's not my browser I use Maxthon which works like a charm. Sometimes my internet speed drops but yesterday that was not the case; it was quick and other sites worked fine. Flash often can be problematic.... but I noticed the other players also having issues going to the next location. I can only  surmise that this time it was a fault/error WGT end.

    I find problems are more often another issue but it's just very unfortunate than when something good happens something bad some places they call it sod's law in other places they call it Murphy's law....I guess here it'll be called WGT's law.

    Anyway thanks to everyone above this post for your replies, I'm sure it happens to us all at one time or another, I feel better now I got that rant off my chest......until the next time.....I've no doubt there WILL be a next time!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 5:05 PM

    .I've no doubt there WILL be a next time!

    Put your house on it !!  :))
