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Wed, Sep 15 2010 3:30 AM (40 replies)
  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 9:04 AM


    P.S does anyone know about how long this "in the doghouse" thing usually lasts? we are talking days right?...not weeks...months.....

    Heh-heh! I've found that breakfast in bed (complete with the absence of dishes in the sink), or especially an impromptu dinner-out works to shorten the stay... and will even lengthen my "WGT leash"! Believe me... I'm feelin' ya, kissfan.  :/

    I've got a radical thought... first, make all random multiplayer rounds, and single-play rounds practice. That's right... unranked.

    Only tourney rounds - the weekly/monthly/multi-rounds/RG's/CC outings, etc... as well as any round resulting from either an offer of an invite, or the acceptance of one would count towards one's average, AND hence, would be capable of affecting one's "Reputation". Players in these rounds would probably be more likely to return to finish their rounds after an untimely disconnect, wouldn't they?

    If WGT insists on calling it a "Reputation" instead of a "Dependability Rating", or something "less damning" like that, shouldn't this tag be formulated mainly from ranked rounds with friends, or from play in like-tiered competitions?

    Surely, it would make the ascent through the tiers a more gradual process, with members being "forced" to become more involved socially and competitively if they cared to lower their averages and advance tiers... so I doubt such a change would be deemed a profitable one by WGT.

    But it could take away alot of the headaches about quitters and sandbaggers... and having to hear about them here in the forums.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 9:34 AM

    Since your proposed solution only deals with multi-player ranked stroke play, ignores mp practice stroke play, and ignores match play

        I think  if it is prctice  it should not be treated the same as ranked and therefore not be a punitive situation, match play quitters will lose the match, not helping their ranking in any way.

       I think VHLs point was to make quitting a punitive situation and slow down the losers that quit when they get a bogey in ranked multiplayer rounds.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 11:35 AM

    You really want to penalize people for quitting a "Practice" round?

    Really?...   Really?

    Wow.. .not enough control in your life?  (Therapy is an option.)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 4:49 PM

    nice try.....but FAIL.

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 7:37 PM


  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 8:40 PM

    Another great example of how to get a thread locked andyson. Perhaps you too could go back and read Niv's post about not saying anything if you don't have anything constructive to add???

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 9:44 PM

    sometimes you have to quit, if i do i type 'gotta go' i mostly play with friends who understand, i admit when i first started i quit without saying something and did it the 'right way'

    keep it the short stuff


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 6 2010 6:09 AM

    Classic VanHateLover!  Could not ask for a more perfect example of  "the pot calling the kettle black".

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, Aug 6 2010 8:57 AM

    Classic VanHateLover!  Could not ask for a more perfect example of  "the pot calling the kettle black".

    Sorry Andy... you lose.

    There is no way that anyone in their right mind would consider a penalty for someone quitting a "Practice" round.  My god, do you know what "Practice" means? 

    I play many multi-player practice rounds, even random, and your solution does nothing to help the quitting problem.

    Since your proposed solution only deals with multi-player ranked stroke play, ignores mp practice stroke play, and ignores match play, it is not a viable alternative to reputation tracking which addresses the quitting problem

    A Practice round is for PRACTICE... should someone want to hit 7 putts or whatever, work on the chipping, pitching, whatever, they should have that option.  That's why it's called PRACTICE.  And, when they're done with it, fine.. feel free to leave.

    If you really feel the need to control someone else's life that bad, I would suggest getting a dog (and therapy).

    Good lord.  Ease up on the rhetoric.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Fri, Aug 6 2010 9:16 AM


    Classic VanHateLover!  Could not ask for a more perfect example of  "the pot calling the kettle black".

    Nothing in any of my posts was demeaning or aimed personally towards anyone, andyson.

    No need to look any  further than your post above, and specifically note the purposeful manipulation of my alias, to see who is the one unable to control their emotions. Reacting in this manner is EXACTLY what gets these things locked. I will not stoop to your level, and will not be responsible for a locked thread. I am cautiously optimistic that you will focus on changing this detrimental behavior, before it is too late.