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Stick your "RIGGED" ready go's

Mon, Oct 27 2014 9:55 PM (40 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2013 8:10 AM

    Same old story after entering $5 Oakmont ready go, -7 for front, birdie 10,11 &12 got me -10 then just as i thought i was on for a decent score the good old WGT SCORE LIMITATION kicks in, clubs start reacting differently, putts would start off left of cup instead of directly at centre, balls would deviate straight into rough and even 25% rough would make 80 yard wedge come up 8 yards short. Where as before i would miss ding by a cm and have no effect, on 15 i missed ding OPPOSITE TO WIND by a fraction late and ball ends up in bunker 15 yards RIGHT!

    The low scores have all ready been allocated in the ready go so although i had at least another 2 birdies to come 14 & 17 which NEVER FAIL WGT made sure i was in the lose $$ bracket.  The thing is you can see what ever it is that kicks in to ruin a round or limit scoring a mile off .  I'm just so glad that last few days I'm not even enthusiastic about this game any more, and Its run Its cause because there's only so much of this you can take without looking at the bigger picture.  Rounds are controlled, i got score limitation today yet i know i could enter same tourney tomorrow and get a "hot" round where i could miss ding by an inch and still land within 1 yard.  Its not skill, its what you get from WGT at that particular time.

    WGT, why did you decide to put the brakes on my round???  How is that fair when a player who will actually win $$ has NOT had it happen to them and get a decent round all the way through.  This is my last rant about this "controlled" environment.  You punish honest players yet let cheats run amok.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 5:18 PM

    This is my last rant about this "controlled" environment.

    Anyone want to bet ?

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 6:19 PM

    Anyone want to bet ?

    No, because we'd lose.

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 6:34 PM

    Chris you must have had some bad fish because your Diarrhea Mouth is back. 

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 7:06 PM

    You punish honest players yet let cheats run amok.

    Chris is a good enough player to see what's happening before his eyes. If certain players do not experience what he and a lot of other players do.... that raises a whole other issue. The statement I quoted above is what everyone should focus on from his (very thruthful) 'rant'. That statement is true, and should not be. The blatant multi-accounters cruising through the lower tiers, whilst the site turns a blind eye, are disturbing, especially considering how frequently they are called out in these forums.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 7:49 PM

    If certain players do not experience what he and a lot of other players do.... that raises a whole other issue


    We all do...but many don't use the forums and many that do, know that brining it up everytime it happens, does no good, makes nothing change...the score posted is the score posted.


    I'd exceed YJ's post count if I complained about every round ruined, every WTF shot, etc...Chris get's grief over it because he post's about it quite often.


    In fact so mach I recall, a long while back I made  a post asking "Is CIB okay?" as the title, body of the text was along the lines of "He hasn't posted about a bad shot for a few days now".


  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 6:20 AM


    If certain players do not experience what he and a lot of other players do.... that raises a whole other issue


    We all do...

    Indeed. All great players get deviations also, but the true great players overcome the holes where they get deviations and save birdy, or atleast par. You think Bollox or Courtney or Mrenn or any of them dont get deviated shots that they say "wtf" after? Of course they do, but they tighten up and make the long birdie putt....

    Chris just comes here and looks for sympathy. Likely because he cant overcome it, like the true great players do. 

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 6:34 AM

    This record still playing.....    yawn

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 8:31 AM

    The thing with deviation in a ready go is it almost always leads to a par. These days a par just isn't good enough. To win a RG you have to birdie every hole and sometimes sneak in an eagle just to be on the safe side so you don't lose on countback.

    Everyone gets deviation, sure they do. But not every round. So if i play the same RG as CIB and i have a deviation free round (or hot round as CIB calls it) and birdie every hole for a 27 and then CIB plays his round and gets 1 bit of deviation that causes him to par 1 hole and shoots 28 is that fair on Chris? I don't think so. We both paid our entry fee so we should get the same chance.

    The problem however is not with the deviation. The problem is the game has become too easy. The equipment has become too good. Before nike balls a 29 was a great score. It took a bit of imagination to get close to the holes. Not this hit full backspin and stop it dead 1 yard from the hole that we have today. Back then CIB and I could play the same RG and he could still get that 1 piece of deviation that lead to a par, but 1 decent bit of imagination or skill on another hole could lead to a birdie. A hole that i may not of got close to and walked away happy with a par after a long 2 putt.

    VEM/Deviation has always been here from day 1. It's just that in this current time of birdie every hole is the norm, 1 bit of deviation can be the difference between winning and losing.

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 8:34 AM


    This is my last rant about this "controlled" environment.

    Anyone want to bet ?

    Fkg LMAO