Same old story after entering $5 Oakmont ready go, -7 for front, birdie 10,11 &12 got me -10 then just as i thought i was on for a decent score the good old WGT SCORE LIMITATION kicks in, clubs start reacting differently, putts would start off left of cup instead of directly at centre, balls would deviate straight into rough and even 25% rough would make 80 yard wedge come up 8 yards short. Where as before i would miss ding by a cm and have no effect, on 15 i missed ding OPPOSITE TO WIND by a fraction late and ball ends up in bunker 15 yards RIGHT!
The low scores have all ready been allocated in the ready go so although i had at least another 2 birdies to come 14 & 17 which NEVER FAIL WGT made sure i was in the lose $$ bracket. The thing is you can see what ever it is that kicks in to ruin a round or limit scoring a mile off . I'm just so glad that last few days I'm not even enthusiastic about this game any more, and Its run Its cause because there's only so much of this you can take without looking at the bigger picture. Rounds are controlled, i got score limitation today yet i know i could enter same tourney tomorrow and get a "hot" round where i could miss ding by an inch and still land within 1 yard. Its not skill, its what you get from WGT at that particular time.
WGT, why did you decide to put the brakes on my round??? How is that fair when a player who will actually win $$ has NOT had it happen to them and get a decent round all the way through. This is my last rant about this "controlled" environment. You punish honest players yet let cheats run amok.