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Stick your "RIGGED" ready go's

Mon, Oct 27 2014 9:55 PM (40 replies)
  • derekortt
    673 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 12:03 PM

    now hey, I wasn't the one crying for a class action suit. That was the crier steve

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 12:21 PM


    now hey, I wasn't the one crying for a class action suit. That was the crier steve

    Sorry mate, clicked on wrong part when quoting.  Now amended - apologies.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 12:58 PM

    Now from WGT's business perspective, I think this is costing 'em $. Because if I was allowed to go straight into another same RG as soon as I had posted my score, I would be playing 'em as often as I could, and I don't think I'd be alone in that.


    Think about what you're asking for...the same players in the same RG's...same winners (occasional change).


    The rate of entries is what determines if you can play the same RG more than once in a day...popular low wind F9's at BPB and SA turn over quickly.


  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 3:01 PM

    Think about what you're asking for...the same players in the same RG's...same winners (occasional change).

    I get what you're saying Baggy, but I think most of the big guns only play the small easy ones when they've exhausted all the others, and if they had them rolling every 10 minutes or so (like a ready go in poker for example) then there would be plenty to go around.

    The rate of entries is what determines if you can play the same RG more than once in a day...popular low wind F9's at BPB and SA turn over quickly.

    They do, but it seems to me not quick enough. I know I'm being a little selfish and a bit "I wan't", but I think locking you out of entering another similar RG until the one you have played is completely finished, even though they are still open to anyone else, and I'm prepared to spend more credits, albeit within my limitations granted, is turning away profit.

    I think there are a lot of players out there, with my ability range (decent enough to post some low scores, but not quite good enough to take on the Top Dogs regularly) and enough credits to sustain buying balls and gambling a few on some RG's, who would pay into them 5 times more often if they were available.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 6:40 PM

    I know I'm being a little selfish and a bit "I wan't", but I think locking you out of entering another similar RG until the one you have played is completely finished,


    I hear ya...I think (and we've asked before) if the "12 hours" was cut to 6...etc...most of us would be happier.

    We'd be able to play our favorites more often...spend more cred's, etc...but the request has been shelved.


    I don't play as many as I used to...sometimes one or two a day now, but would definitely pick things up is the few I played were available more often.

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 9:07 PM

    Yep, count me as one who is done with the RG's also.  I used to play a few every night, but I'm done.  As others have mentioned, you can almost predict when the funny business is gonna start.  WGT better do something else to liven this up (can we stop the same old weekly/monthly tourneys, with the same high winds, champ greens, and black tees already?  BORING!!) or they'll be losing more customers.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 9:39 PM

    Has the Ready-Go's come down to who is the best using a cheat device, not to mention shot pal/putter pal? Its a serious question. These threads are telling.

    For the record, I don't play Ready-Go's because I play game setting free and don't stand a chance.

  • fourdude
    1,311 Posts
    Mon, Oct 27 2014 9:55 PM

    I realize that I am not near the top players on WGT and do not claim to be,  I believe that these top players have earned their top tier status and are very knowledgeable about the game, and I hate to post on these forums as I to believe them to be counter productive, but I agree with you stevewc, as I too have noticed these preset interferences and have had them go so far as to have missed putts from inside of foot on so many occasions lately, and these things happen not only on paid tournaments but also on free tourneys and rank single play rounds. I believe my game is being manipulated and have sent a few letters to Customer Support along with submitting bug reports, but all that accomplishes is the standard wgt response: a form written reply denying any problem on their end, must be your computer clear browsing history and cache, no background programs open, and of course try a different browser.

    Well  I have decided to try and hurt them in the pocketbook by playing on free rounds with free golf balls and I do not intend to spend another dime on this site until they address the matter. I think this is not a bug but a money grab by wgt as it is intended to increase the scoring to sell their golf balls faster. Unfortunately my doing this is not going to have any effect on the wgt coffers, but hoping to get more like minded people to do the same thing would get the attention of wgt. Read in these forums about the stink caused by the CC vs CC fiasco and there was a post on that forum about hurting wgt's pocketbook in this manner and thought it was a great idea.


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 12:00 AM

    I don't play as many as I used to...sometimes one or two a day

    Lol !

    I quit playing RG's or anything with credit prizes long ago when I realized you were playing the same ones I mother didn't raise no dummies.

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 12:28 AM


    I am not using any cheating, but still doing ok in the RG's.  Shot pal I don't use, but

    I do use putter pal. If that is cheating, sorry!

    Have a nice day!
