Jim, let me walk you through this from my initial email, then maybe you'll see that alosso isn't talking nonsense.
From the start:
1. I check list of qualifiers, and notice that some 57's are listed as getting the $25 gift certificate, but quite a few of us are not.
2. I send this email to WGT member services:
From your description of the US Open Qualifier:
"In addition, the top 156 scores (plus ties) will each receive a $25 gift card to the USGAshop.com for official U.S. Open merchandise..."
When I checked the list, I had qualified with a score of 57, so was in the "top 156 scores (plus ties)". However, many of us who shot 57 were not given the promised gift cards.
Just wondering if you're going to honor the offer.
3. WGT responds:
Dear mkg335,
Because we had so many players tie with the score of 57, we decided to let in 200+ players instead of the 156. Because of this we went to tie breakers to determine the 156 top players who received the gift.
WGT Member Services
4. I respond to WGT:
Thank you for your prompt reply, much appreciated; however, had I known this to be the case I could have tried to shoot a "better" 57 or even a 56. With all due respect, it seems to me that you changed the rules in the middle of the game, thus leaving many of us who rightfully expected a prize in the lurch.
5. WGT responds:
Dear mkg335,
We are looking into the issue to see if there needs to be any adjustments made.
WGT Member Services
6. I respond, thanking them for their time and effort.
So you see, they were initially going to award a total of 156 prizes, even though they had announced that prizes would go to "the top 156 players (and ties)"
I and others have emailed them to draw attention to the fact that they changed the rules in the middle of the game.
This is a different case from the thread you linked earlier, in which Icon explained that a glitch prevented WGT from listing all prize winners.
In the present situation, WGT had decided to limit the number of prizes to 156, and used the scorecard tiebreaker to do so...in spite of having promised prizes to the top 156 and ties.
The fact that they are looking into making adjustments verifies that they recognize their error and hopefully will rectify the situation.
Approximately 213 players qualified for this years tournament, and under the provisions of WGT's original text, all 213 should receive gift certificates, not just the top 156 determined by tiebreaker.
So alosso isn't talking nonsense at all.
p.s. The font changes in the middle of this post because I copied and pasted directly from emails.