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how do i get free stuff

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 11 2013 9:31 AM (22 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 6:01 AM


    ....  watch out !!!  WGT gunna bump ya to legend !!  


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 6:52 AM

    How do you get free stuff?

    Talk to my friend Heywood Jablomey.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 6:55 AM


    How do I join a country club that will give me all free stuff

    Not sure Mate, but when you find one..... let me know who it is please.

  • Sparky1047
    363 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:10 AM

    Why don't you try working for your equipment instead of expecting it for free.....

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:29 AM

    find yourself a sugar daddy, thats right i said it, daddy.


  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:59 AM

    Welcome to the game omegamuffin.

    You are clearly one of three things, namely:-

    1). Being ironic. In which case bravo, a very clever pastiche of clueless dipsticks who post on the forums asking for freebies and declaring themselves to be a gift to the game from the Big Man upstairs Utterly brilliant to have picked all this up after a week on the game.

    2). Very unlucky. Fancy, scoring a brilliant nine (?ten) under par over half a round and then the damn, cheating WGT rob you of your day in the spotliht by failing to record your brilliance in your score history. That's just plain bad luck.

    3). Not so new to the game as you would have us believe. Surely no one could be so stupid as to think they could beat players with averages of sub 60 after only a week on the game? It would be like me chalenging Tiger Woods. And I've only picked up a club once in my life. Even then I wondered why it had such a big handle with only a thin pointy bit with which to hit the ball.

    Like I said one of the three, I'm just not sure.


    PS. Glad to see you got your puting sorted out since your first post a week ago. From being the "best at everything except putting" to shooting a 24 in seven days is truly brilliant. At this rate you really will "beet" everyone and can't be far away from the game's first sub 20 nine hole score.

  • omegamuffin
    20 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 5:42 PM

    the game glitched and added my score wrong I actually got -10 and I reported the problem so its all good

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:16 PM

    Don't forget...Heywood Jablomey for free stuff.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:21 PM

    And if you ever visit China, be sure to go to the Wong Fook Hing golf course.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 7:56 PM

    Sorry mkg, it was Olympic the Op blitzed, you got the wong fook hing golf course.

    And a Chinese proverb for the OP.

    Boy who go to sleep with hard problem wake up with solution in hand.