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Am I being punished?

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Fri, Jul 19 2013 3:18 PM (22 replies)
  • poserXposer
    148 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2013 1:54 PM

    Well I enjoy it, grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! And I used same clubs for like 9 months til last week and they lasted just fine!

    I watch videos and get free credits and that buys me all the Callaway balls I need.

    It is a really good game and the courses are fantastic and the conditions and setups are so real.

    If u hate it so much, why don't u just leave u whiner.


    ps. Hi Molly, welcome to WGT. There are actually lots of good people here. Like me and Kat!!! lol.

     Nice post, btw. sowwy JCatt ruined it. This is first and prolly last time i will come to WGT forum cos it seems like there r too many drama queens ruining it. just saying.


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2013 2:14 PM

    ...This place is a joke and you should just stay away from it and its inbred employees

    It's too late, I already bred one of them.

  • GolfingJMan
    71 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 3:18 PM

    Hi molly,

    The rules allow for players to play as the tier they entered, it wouldn't be unfair (i.e., unjust) because it is in accordance with the current rules. There are some hacks who on the first day (or week) max out their ability (i.e., they get a lot of levels in practice rounds – which is good to do – then buy the best clubs and ball for say level 20-25) and enter a hack tourney.  I can see how this scenario also might seem "unfair" to the WGT starter club hacks but it is in accordance with the rules.  

    I myself didn't know how to play "practice rounds" when I first started and so I couldn't get consistent conditions to practice my club distances, etc, and I played 12 ranked rounds just learning the game, advancing to amateur in the process, and gaining some pretty hacked up stats (go see my profile for specifics).  Once I learned how to do practice mode, I mainly played in that mode and Alternate Shot to watch how others played holes to learn too and so I began to gain more knowledge of my game and XP points doing so (and credit videos in the background).

    There was the Congressional Championship at the same course just days before the Michelin started.  I wanted to get in that one as amateur but I hadn’t practiced the course, as I was preparing mainly for the US Open Qualifier. I didn't know I could mimic the green speed and conditions (and I didn’t want to do that while scoring high and then going to the back tees while placing really low).  So, I guess that is why they allow higher tiered players to replay the tourney at the level they entered because some didn’t know about practicing the course.  The current Michelin® Challenge tourney is one I've been training hard for.  I guess I might be considered a Tour Master in Amateur clothing?

    I guess what I'm saying is that some people might have way more knowledge than their tier might indicate to a passive observer (e.g., the real life Bobby Jones).  And also someone might have far less knowledge of the game than their high tier might indicate – not to mention equipment.  It also may seem unfair that the less knowledgeable are promoted to higher tier before they know what they are doing (sort of like the road I was on).  It can be a tough balancing act to make rules that seem fair, 

    If you played in the Michelin tourney right now, you'd probably score well, and I don't think that would be unfair at all – it's within the rules. You'd probably have a good amount of moral support too (I've enough credits to gift you the TaylorMade R11 3 Wood (L30+) – if you'd like, I don't want to force gift you).

    If you look at the current leaders at the top of the Hack Tier in the Michelin® Challenge, they both shot a 62.  See their activities pages, they joined this month and purchased all kinds goody gear and one bought lots of level up boosts.

    The tier I'm at, the Amateur Tier, the leader shot a 58 after going on a buying spree to level up and get the best gear.  I can certainly empathize with the feeling that this is unfair.  However, it is within the current rules and, therefore, fair.  Some people have deep pockets.

    Now, if these are multi-account users, it is all unfair indeed.

    I would hope WGT has a way to easily detect multi-account users using IP address identification methods, etc.

    Phew, that got long; I have a tendency to do that.

    Thanks, JMan



    P.S. Molly I saw your latest replay about the strange "…Forces At Work."  A few days after I started, I played that same hole from a very similar position and hit a shot very similar.  You can check it out, my replay is called "Startling Ricochet."   Yours is more startling tho.