Some questions as I've played a few rounds....
1) How can I see the slope on greens when hitting to them? IE: I'm on the tee of a par 3, how can I see the green's contours?
2) When is a good time to upgrade clubs? It seems like it's probably best to wait until a certain level before buying an upgrade. About when is this (considering that I'm poor and can't buy every new upgrade available).
2a) What upgrades are best? Are drivers most important, or are putters...or irons?
3) Balls - I'm just playing with the unlimited balls until I learn the game. But whats a good rule on these upgrades?
4) What's the best advice you could give a new player to this game? I understand (and played) golf. I played a lot of video golf (Anyone remember PGA2000 on the PC?) etc. What advice do you wish someone would've been able to tell you about this particular game when you first started?
Thanks! I'm sure I'll have much more, but for now, that'll do.