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New Servers

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Sun, Jul 21 2013 5:28 AM (38 replies)
  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 4:01 AM

    When are WGT going too invest in new servers. Today is a perfect example people are getting DC here there and everywhere. It's becoming a bit of a joke now there servers clearly are not up too scratch for such a big multiplayer game.

    Your thoughts ?



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 4:13 AM

    It seems to be a bigger problem with lower tiered players, they for some reason get disconnected more often.

    It goes like this, bad shot.....x

    Play with friends or CC members and you will have very few problems. I very seldom get d/c from a game and has little to do with WGT servers or we would all be having that issue.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 4:20 AM


    It seems to be a bigger problem with lower tiered players, they for some reason get disconnected more often.

    It goes like this, bad shot.....x

    Play with friends or CC members and you will have very few problems. I very seldom get d/c from a game and has little to do with WGT servers or we would all be having that issue.

    Na it aint all too do with people just quitting thats exactly my point. I played 6 out of 7 games today with friends. 2 of them got dc 5 out of the 6. It is a server issue and everyone knows it is. the servers are bad servers top and bottom line.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 6:23 AM

    It is a server issue and everyone knows it is. the servers are bad servers top and bottom line.

    I'm not taking sides here but can you tell us what servers they are using?

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 7:31 AM


    I played 6 out of 7 games today with friends. 2 of them got dc 5 out of the 6. It is a server issue and everyone knows it is. the servers are bad servers top and bottom line.

    I guess I'm not part of everyone then, cause I don't know it or believe it.  I will never say there aren't server issues, but I truly believe that if the servers were that bad or overworked, these forums would be flooded with these claims. As it is, they do come in regularly, but not to the extent one would see if they were as bad as you portray them to be.

    I also must assume that you are certain that your friends all have done everything possible to ensure good performance & connection on their end, & even if they all do, things happen.  I have never been d/c from a game, & the only people I've played with who were, I know for a fact that they don't take care of things on their end.

    As always, my opinion, but based on fact & experience.   :-)

    Nearly all my friends i play with , not only on this game but other pc games are competitive gamers. They all have high knowledge of computers and networking and all compete in various games like cod etc etc and all have very low pings and great broadband and they never have a single issue when competing on the other games. I'm not trying too pick fault purposely im simply stating what's happening in the hope of servers being optimized for  better performance. It seems like every time something is said in regards too these sort of problems people within the forums dont like it and don't respond in any sort of helpful fashion as if it too say the problems don't exist when they clearly do. I love the game totally i just wish the servers were more well optimized or changed altogether. Thats all.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 7:33 AM


    It is a server issue and everyone knows it is. the servers are bad servers top and bottom line.

    I'm not taking sides here but can you tell us what servers they are using?

    Well some friends on here are in Australia , some USA , some UK. I don't know how many servers WGT has so i don't know what countries are connecting too what servers. Maybe you could tell me the answer ?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 7:53 AM

     Well some friends on here are in Australia , some USA , some UK. I don't know how many servers WGT has so i don't know what countries are connecting too what servers. 

    But you just know that they are not up to the job?

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 8:05 AM


    and they never have a single issue when competing on the other games

    Fair enough.  Just out of curiosity, are these other games flash based?

    I only respond with my own observation & possible causes for these issues.  As I have yet to experience them & the majority of the regulars here seem to be pretty much okay with these type issues, I must assume it isn't a server issue.  If it were, I believe most everyone would experience these issues somewhat regularly & I just don't see it.  Sorry. Hope things clear up for you & your friends.

    Can't really be helpful with server issues. All I can do is suggest other possibilities as causation. 

    Nope there not as you will well know the majority of major games are not flash based. But flash based or not this is not and should not be a problem for the consumer simply because the developers decided too design the game in flash.

    I appreciate your opinions and responses thank's anyways.

