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New Servers

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Sun, Jul 21 2013 5:28 AM (38 replies)
  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 8:07 AM


     Well some friends on here are in Australia , some USA , some UK. I don't know how many servers WGT has so i don't know what countries are connecting too what servers. 

    But you just know that they are not up to the job?

    Obviously there up to the job or the game wouldn't work at all i said there not good enough or well optimized enough in my opinion. Next arrogant reply please ?

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 8:41 AM

    Next arrogant reply please ?

    I'll pass this time


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 8:43 AM

    No arrogance there sir I'm just trying to work it all out. Some people blame it all on VEM others blame it on the servers. Yet thousands have no problems at all. It certainly is puzzling.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 9:20 AM

    does anyone even know the specs of WGT's servers? or even have a quick stab at guessing them. get 50% of it right and i'll send a sleeve of balls to the winner.

    i'm willing to bet the majority of folks don't even know if they are windows servers or linux servers, letalone the more detailed specs.

    i'm not being arrogant but when folks start blaming servers on assumptions only, that in itself is wrong.

    i got an email from a client this afternoon blaming one of my servers was at fault because his pc and every other pc in his office could not sent out emails, citing the server was at fault, regardless of the fact that incoming mail was working fine at his end.

    i emailed him using the same mailserver and cc'd it to not just all his company's email addresses but to a few of my clients i don't even host. all emails i sent got responded to within minutes except his (although they were all delivered to their inboxes).... therefore i googled his ISP and peeked in their support forums (not my job to do but there it is) and read they'd been experiencing connection issues throughout the weekend which covered his geographic location.............problem solved.

    there's a variety of reasons players can get dc'd from games and i'd have to say the most unlikely reason is server related or else this forum would be inundated with a ton of players all saying "wgt server down?" followed by one of Icon's "Heads Up" posts acknowledging they'd experienced difficulties.

    but let's blame's easier :)

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 9:39 AM


    does anyone even know the specs of WGT's servers? or even have a quick stab at guessing them. get 50% of it right and i'll send a sleeve of balls to the winner.

    i'm willing to bet the majority of folks don't even know if they are windows servers or linux servers, letalone the more detailed specs.

    i'm not being arrogant but when folks start blaming servers on assumptions only, that in itself is wrong.

    i got an email from a client this afternoon blaming one of my servers was at fault because his pc and every other pc in his office could not sent out emails, citing the server was at fault, regardless of the fact that incoming mail was working fine at his end.

    i emailed him using the same mailserver and cc'd it to not just all his company's email addresses but to a few of my clients i don't even host. all emails i sent got responded to within minutes except his (although they were all delivered to their inboxes).... therefore i googled his ISP and peeked in their support forums (not my job to do but there it is) and read they'd been experiencing connection issues throughout the weekend which covered his geographic location.............problem solved.

    there's a variety of reasons players can get dc'd from games and i'd have to say the most unlikely reason is server related or else this forum would be inundated with a ton of players all saying "wgt server down?" followed by one of Icon's "Heads Up" posts acknowledging they'd experienced difficulties.

    but let's blame's easier :)

    As you seem more than qualified to answer my question,i have heard in the past that WGT does have 1 crappy server compared to the rest.My question is,is it in fact possible that this could be the case as i seem to play a couple of games and meters fine.But my next game it can be almost unplayable.I'm basically saying can there ever be a rogue server when a system is using quite a few?


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 9:39 AM

    Thank  you very much for the  explanation, now can we please get back to  whining  about vem.  ;-))

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 9:53 AM

    As you seem more than qualified to answer my question,i have heard in the past that WGT does have 1 crappy server compared to the rest

    never heard the "1 crappy server" story but do know players who connect to their preferred server.

    if your game becomes unplayable, exit out of the game and try to reconnect to another server.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 10:46 AM


    if your game becomes unplayable, exit out of the game and try to reconnect to another server.

    How would one go about this sir?

  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 11:27 AM

    IMHO opinion WGT uses CDN (content distribution network) so that assets are sent from a closer geographic location, very common in this day and age of high traffic sites.

    This happens automagical, although I suspect that the full game engine is local to WGT.  

  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 11:35 AM

    @ TBE,  I had a client phone me shouting that I did not respond to his email earlier that day, I attempted to calm him and asked what the problem was…  I was told “We are having major email problems”, then his tone seemed to calm and quieten  as the penny dropped.