I've been on a little over a month now and want to know:
1. Is there a driving range somewhere on WGT to practice with new clubs or do you have to suffer through an entire practice round? Would like to just practice my wedge shots mostly but it seems idiotic to have to go through a regular round and not be able to work on specific areas only.
2. Why are the prices for balls so high? I'd expect to get more for my credits for the short time we're allowed to use them. Some of the clubs I can understand but the ball prices are ridiculous. Or else have a few Easter eggs on your courses where you can "find" balls.
3. Are some of the courses shown just available for the CTTH games and not for a regular round of golf? Would like to be able to play Pebble Beach, Manele, Tahoe, etc... but they're not available or do you have to reach a certain level to play all of the courses?
4. Been reading the forum about the credit problem particularly with surveys, so are there any "free" offers that do not include a million and one slices of spam? Geez.
Any help you guys can give me will be most appreciated.
My comment is to the WGT staff:
I just played the back nine at Whistler for the first time and the green on No. 12 may just as well be on a playground slide. I understand undulating greens but c'mon guys that's just silly. I mean , I had a 10 foot uphiller on my first putt that ended up 2 feet behind that same spot! 3 putted for a bogey but ended up with a 33. Nice course but having to pay to play courses is a little over the top too.