Thank you for caring, Icon.
Alas, your collegue D. has killed any belief in me which may have existed until yesterday with regard to your company's promises.
He has proved to be a "worthy" successor of Pizza: "Bah humbug!"
As a test I changed my email contact to a disposable yahoo mail account last nite. I got this in that account today.
Is this a change for you, or did you receive them before, too?
Some get these mails, some don't.
I get other WGT mails, e.g. the News. This is proof that WGT is not blocked.
What would be different with a new mail address?
alosso: Is this a change for you, or did you receive them before, too?
Yes it is a change. I use to get them before the February update, then I quite getting them. I'm on a lot so never missed them. Just wanted to test to see if I would get them again. I don't know it that will help CC owners with the invite/quit requests though.
alosso: What would be different with a new mail address?
I receive mine and using Hotmail account if this helps anyone also
Since last reply, I switched back to the original account and I am now getting the emails there. So I would suggest changing the contact info to a new email account. Once you get the emails there, you could switch back to your original and you should be back in business. I'm thinking that some data corruption occurred at the February update.