golfvader7: If you aren't going to play in our tourneys, you have no need to belong to a club.
This might be your problem.
I belong to a very small CC and I bet I haven't played in a single CC tourney in months ( which is actually a requirement in our club). But what I do like to do is play with my fellow members in a friendly game of A/S or blitz.
Look, I suck at this game and could never compete with some of the better players in the club I'm in, that's why I don't play in our tourneys, but I really look forward to a couple of us getting together and going out, having a good chat and whacking the ball around.
The owner of our club built our club by building friendships, the only new players that got in were by recommendations from current members and that has seemed to work pretty well.
Like other clubs, there are some of us that have been playing together for years. My regular A/S partner and I have been playing together since Dec of 2010 and we're in the same club.
So, maybe you should try and scale back on the recruitment and the size of your club...and try to focus on building a core group of members and then rebuilding it from there.
Just my thoughts.
Good luck to you.