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"Raiding CC Members"

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Thu, Jun 19 2014 1:24 AM (12 replies)
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  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 8:43 AM

    Query? What is the opinion of the owners about owners continually "Raiding", "stealing", soliciting your members to join their club. I am the 1st to realize that players are not bonded with crazy glue to the CC, my members know that they have joined freely, and at any time may leave freely. But in the last 48 hours, I have lost 5 members, 4 of whom are now with the same CC. 

    Is this the way CC's are supposed to be built? I am a relatively new CC, and I have built my membership with players who were completely CC free, did not belong to any club. Takes time and effort, but is well worth it. Membership was 150+ until I cut those who just refused to play in club tourneys. If you aren't going to play in our tourneys, you have no need to belong to a club.

    I am just curious how others feel about this kind of practice. I am really interested in everyone's opinions.

    Many thanks............golfvader7                                                                                                                                 Peacokk Sanctuary Golf Club


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 9:37 AM

    If you aren't going to play in our tourneys, you have no need to belong to a club.

    This might be your problem.

    I belong to a very small CC and I bet I haven't played in a single CC tourney in months ( which is actually a requirement in our club). But what I do like to do is play with my fellow members in a friendly game of A/S or blitz.

    Look, I suck at this game and could never compete with some of the better players in the club I'm in, that's why I don't play in our tourneys,  but I really look forward to a couple of us getting together and going out, having a good chat and whacking the ball around.

    The owner of our club built our club by building friendships, the only new players that got in were by recommendations from current members and that has seemed to work pretty well.

    Like other clubs, there are some of us that have been playing together for years. My regular A/S partner and I have been playing together since Dec of 2010 and we're in the same club.

    So, maybe you should try and scale back on the recruitment and the size of your club...and try to focus on building a core group of members and then rebuilding it from there.

    Just my thoughts.

    Good luck to you.




  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 9:52 AM


    More here.

  • EnriccoP
    3,767 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 9:54 AM

    My thoughts as an owner are as follows.

    I am not looking to build the biggest club, I want a club of people who get along, know each other and have fun.

    We only bring in new members who are recommended by current members.

    I don't invite anyone to my club who is a member in another club.  If someone is recommended and shows interest, I tell them to leave their other club first.  So I'm not out fishing for members but at the same time I think we all have to understand that sometimes people just aren't great fits for a particular club and the best thing for all concerned is to move on.

    I don't put requirements on people to play tournaments.  Members can contribute in different ways, in the forums, playing alt shot or other games with members, match play events etc.

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 12:09 PM

    I agree !

    most of my members were friends to begin with, others were/are players looking or did not belong anywhere and were basically new and needing help playing. I ask them to join if they want or they can join anywhere else they prefer. No rules except to help each other out when possible with playing WGT.  When you play a 9 or 18 hole game together and help someone with playing this game which is not easy,  they get better, you become friends, they ask their friends to join them where they play, your CC grows with friends or friendly players and its all good !!!

    but that is not raiding other CC's for members !


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 12:22 PM

    I tried the process of creating a small country club for my close friends i'd knew for years on here and just didn't need the grief to be honest, no one playing comps or even playing at the same time so closed it.

    then i was introduced to a great set of guys at WGT Champions Tour country club, no peer pressure to have to play was a lot less stressful and they even created an outside site with live chat and such where they also create comps and tourneys daily, weekly and monthly, and once again , no pressure to have to play them, but your a fool who doesn't play at least a few as its a great laugh and general good get together.

    So I'm a firm believer in word of mouth invites, no need to go posting on walls , poaching and such.

    Huge thanks to Gooba823 & Taylormadeit for making my life less stressful at least.


  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 1:24 PM

    If someone is new here and does not belong to a Club & I ask them if they would like to join, how is that poaching?

    if they are new and have not made many or any friends here, they have no word of mouth so to speak & I ask them to join, how is that poaching?

    I did not leave my CC's name or link to it in my original post and say how great we are as YOU did, but I ask you Sir,  Is that not a form of poaching???

  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 4:32 PM

    Courtney, thanks for your response. It was exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Honesty!!!

    Stryder1261, all you did was show me how ignorant you are. You never answered my question, you took what I wrote, turned it around into your own words, and blamed me for asking the simple question of, Is it common practice to solicit players who already belong to a country club?" You and your 13 member CC are probably meant for one another. I did not mention your clubs name, because if you aren't proud enough to mention it, you sure as hell aren't going to get any free advertising from me. Next time, if you don't intend to be constructive or at least understand the question, then by all means, DON'T!

    96 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 5:34 PM

    Whoa,this could turn into an all out battle!One of the most entertaining parts of the forums.No offense,people.

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Tue, Jul 23 2013 6:22 AM

    my 1st post was a response to your initial post Vader, and the 2nd was to the one mushy posted.    so in response to being ignorant, well you figure it out !

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