I think he means that compared to ball prices the stakes are ridiculously small. Take a 550 credit ball - for it the expenditures are 30 credits per 9 holes (assuming no losses), so if you take into account rake, the effective rake for a 100 credit 9 hole RG is (30+20)/(30+100) = 38.4%.
For a 50 credit RG it's even more ridiculous, (30+10)/(30+50) =50%.
Yes, half!.. Meaning that you need to double your money just to stay even...
And although using cheap balls may be tempting, in most cases this leads to significantly worse performance hence is not a good idea... It's like a vicious cycle that in order to be competitive in credit games one needs to use some the most pricey balls and in this way is forced to pay this ridiculous rake.
And the only way to reduce this horrific rake other than reducing ball prices is to have higher stakes competitions, such as 500 credit ones for 18 holes or 200-300 credit ones for 9 holes