I can't compete anymore, everyone is making drives that are impossible for me to compete with. on one par 5 a guy had 190 left where i had 278. on a par 4 165 to 51. I know the difference says 7 yards between theirs & mine but on some holes they can clear trouble where i have to lay up with no chance of clearing. since it's release to lvl 93 i've gone from 20,000 credits to 4000. I don't mind losing but not when it's clearly just an equipment issue. it should be available to ALL legends. oh well fun while it lasted cya.
Then why did you play them if you felt that you couldnt compete ? You have top clubs , but you will not win every game . Some players are going to play better than you , and that is a simple fact . I have seen this type of thread before, and it has never made sense . You were losing matches , before this club came along . The club that beats you , is not the driver , its the putter . So before you complain and quit , do this . Go play , and win a few matches . After you have won a few, then quit . Come back and complain about winning , and how you played so well . Until then , suck it up , and stop complaining . Happy Swinging :-)