jimoldfart: When I checked, it looks like our founder Danmark2010 has quit WGT and with his leaving so did our club.
This is a DARN SHAME. The Elite CC is near capacity at the moment but I am sue there are MANY other clubs willing to help anyone who may need a NEW club.
As a former owner of a club I know the toll running a club can take on you after a while. I knew a time for change was in the air. I would have NEVER thought to dismantle an entire CC because of my weariness of running and maintaining the club. I took my time until I found the right member to step up and run The Elite CC the way I did but with a breathe of fresh air and new ideas. Because I was patient and transitioned the club in this manner The Elite CC is STRONGER than ever. Being soooo cold as to dissolve an ENTIRE CC WITH OUT WARNING not only do you close a very good CC, you leave allllllll the members out in the cold not belonging anywhere. That is complete and utter BS!
The only good that comes from this is that now all of you will belong to a CC whose owner will "care" about you and your plans as a WGT member. Good Luck to all of you looking for that NEW HOME. Im sure there will be MANY owners stepping up to offer you a spot. overtheedge / Jeff