I had this idea a few weeks ago for a new Club v Club league.
At the moment we have five clubs signed up, with expressions of
interest from one or two more. Friendly games are ongoing and their is general agreement among the 'captains' on the
format for the league games, which will start with stroke or match play games. Each team will have twelve players. We hope to start the first
league by mid September, ending before Christmas.
WGT have offered some support and might do for the long term if the league is a success.
Contact me with a friend request and message if you'd like your club to to take part.
Thanks for your interest.
United Federation of Virtual Golfers Tony
Players Only Country Club Michael
Friendly Active Players Club Ian
The Derbyshire Golf and Country Club Clive
The Oddball Country Club Kelly
At the moment, their will be twelve players to each team and we may add stand-in/subsitute players.
Friendly Games Below
Good luck to all players and thanks again for your involvement.
Friendly Active Players Only
Won 3&2 Ianzzz (L) v Dubfore (L)
Won on 10th Fjdiehl (L) v Mrindone (L)
gav1976 (TM) v JDempsey5 (TM) Won 1 up
Won 3&2 IanGBridge (M) v Féidhlim100 (M)
HolyHutton (M) v BShepherd9 (M) Won 2&1
Zigrig (L) v Johnlock247 (L)
Roddyrodent (L) v Irish492 (L) Won 3&2
Won 1 Up SpAzMoSiS (L) v Billyliar (L)
Islandergolf (L) v Irish492 (L) Won 2Up
KattyD (L) v Tioramon (L) Won 3&2
ccgp (L) v Scastagan (L) Won 3&2
THEdogleg (TM) v ZebBlake (TM) Won on 14th
UFVG Players Only
Won 2 Up Balonestone (L) v Dubfore (L)
Sally3 (TM) v Mrindone (L)
Won 4&3 WDecker2 (TM) v JDempsey5 (TM)
Won 3&2 Jonaldinhoo (P) v Féidhlim100 (M)
Won 2&1 Mtpokts (M) v BShepherd9 (M)
Won 1Up Chatkeow (L) v Johnlock247 (L)
labossm (TM) v Sage013 (TM)
Genegold2 (M) v Billyliar (L)
Bencat (L) v Irish492 (L) Won on 11th
Sledgehammer1961 (TM) v Tioramon (L) Won 3&2
Blubear (L) v Scastagan (L) Won 3&2
gj1948 (M) v ZebBlake (TM) Won 1up
Players Only The Derbyshire
Won 3&2 BShepherd9 (M) v Kassimilo (TM)
Won on 12th JDempsey5 (TM) v Cabanyes (TM)
Mrindone (L) v Shoahey (L) Won 2Up
Sage013 (TM) v Ric8ard (L)
Won 2Up Johnlock247 (L) v Lukewestwood10 (L)
Won 1Up Irish492 (L) v Gordon0762 (L)
Won 4&2 Scastagan (L) v Iainmclean (L)
Dubfore (L) v Mickcharvill (L) Won 1Up
ZebBLake (TM) v Bigbrian29 (L) Won on 12th
Tioramon (L) v Billcliff (L) Won 1Up
Players Only Oddball
Dubfore (L) v Micamills (L)
Johnlock247 (L) v Dionysus9 (L)
Scastagan (L) v YoteBuster (L) Won 2Up
Billyliar (L) v Kelpei (L)
Féidhlim100 (M) v LindaLash (P)
Won 1Up JDempsey5 (TM) v 4SandTrap (L)
Tioramon (L) v Dbrad61 (L) Won 2Up
ZebBlake (TM) v Priesum (L)
Mrindone (L) v Kalliste (TL)
Won 2&1 BShepherd9 (M) v Coolsenior (L)
Irish492 (L) v Pogbah (L)