Ampario Long: The 450 credits looks good at first... But qualifying can be a pain. After quite a bit of hassle, i managed to qualify for 2 this month.
Ampario Short: There doesn't seem to be more chance of qualifying for a short survey. Go for the long one and get thrice the credits.
Second Life: Looks good but i'd prefer not to get sucked into another online "Game" of sorts as i already play too many to keep track.
Crowdflower: 8 credits doesn't do it justice right now. Make it 75 like it was before and i might consider doing another one (i've done 2 but felt even 75 wasn't enough for the tasks)
Valued Opinions: 8 credits isn't quite enticing enough.
Videos: Meh, it's free credits. Watch them and gain 8.
btw, bring back Opinion Surveys or whatever that was called. They let a lot of people take surveys and that really helps.