Hello creamer444, Thank you for your input, it may come in useful mate. By the way I like to play on full screen aswell. ( If I dont, then I usually end up clipping the screen edge and messing things up...sounds like excuses, does'nt it..hahaha ).
My graphics are OK on the full screen, even with the settings in the WGT options where the menu is, at the lowest setting. I went to lowest quality in order for the avatar and, hopefully the meter to regulate. Believe it or not, it does'nt make much difference at all in terms of the meter ( if any ) ,and the screen graphics have hardly changed. That's not to say though, that it would'nt work for anyone else.
Still, I have my notepad in front of me right now and am taking notes. Thanks again mate.
All the best......S1XT0S