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Persistent Erratic Meter

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Thu, Aug 22 2013 2:08 PM (46 replies)
  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 1:46 PM

    Hello creamer444, Thank you for your input, it may come in useful mate. By the way I like to play on full screen aswell. ( If I dont, then I usually end up clipping the screen edge and messing things up...sounds like excuses, does'nt it..hahaha ).

    My graphics are OK on the full screen, even with the settings in the WGT options where the menu is, at the lowest setting. I went to lowest quality in order for the avatar and, hopefully the meter to regulate. Believe it or not, it does'nt make much difference at all in terms of the meter ( if any ) ,and the screen graphics have hardly changed. That's not to say though, that it would'nt work for anyone else.

    Still, I have my notepad in front of me right now and am taking notes. Thanks again mate.

    All the best......S1XT0S

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 2:05 PM

    Hello hyena64, I did'nt know that about Chrome installing a pepperflash version. In fact, before you mentioned it, I had never heard of a pepperflash version before. I assumed that when I first installed Chrome, I also tried to install Adobe Flash, but was informed by Chrome that it installs flash automatically ( I assumed Adobe...I know.....I know should never assume..hahaha ).

    Thanks again hyena64...I am away to change the settings in Chrome and see about this flash version right now.

    Talk to you later mate...All the best S1XT0S.

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 2:17 PM

    Hello TWOMINUSONE, Thank you for your suggestion mate. At this stage, everything helps because I have'nt sorted it out yet, so, I am going to jot down the details you sent me about the flash version, and see if it works with Chrome. If it does'nt work with Chrome then I know it has a good chance of working okay with Firefox.

    At the moment though I am just trying things one after the other in trial and error. The next thing I am going to do is set my chrome to always ask, and see about installing your version of Flash rather than chrome installing this pepperflash thing hyena64 mentioned.

    Hopefully, I am close to the light at the end of the tunnel. You and everyone else's help speeds me along at a good pace, which I am grateful for.

    Thanks again mate , talk to you later...All the best...S1XT0S. 

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 3:19 PM

    hope u get sorted m8. i had mental issues with meeters when i first started jumping all the time big time. thats why i can still play while recording videos it screws the meter up big time i have just got that used to it. but my meeter now is smoathe as silk if on full scren.

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 4:09 PM

    Hello again hyena64, this is a wee update mate. You were right enough about the two versions of flash player running, one being the standard adobe and the other adobe/chrome pepflash version, which, by the way, is disabled now, Thank you.

    I went to ( chrome://plugins ). I also checked out the archive version of flashplayer that TWOMINUSONE told me about and so far the meter is working really fluid, ( touch wood ). I hope I have'nt spoken too soon now. I will wait a few days and see if it stays that way before saying anything else, then I will give you a heads up.

    Right now though I am a happy chappie, talk to you later mate and thanks again...all the best ...S1XT0S 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 4:22 PM

    Hello again TWOMINUSONE, This is just a wee update mate. I am trying out the adobe flash version right now, and so far so good. A part of me is saying this is too good to be true, don't get your hopes up but, this is GREAT..hahaha. What a change, now I know what creamer444 means by moving as smooth as silk.

    If it does'nt last then so be it, but I am going to enjoy while it does. ( who knows ). It may even be a good Flash version for chrome aswell ( I might not need to change my browser at all ). 

    Thank you for your help mate, talk to you later...All the best ...S1XT0S.

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 4:36 PM

    Hello creamer444, Thanks mate. By the way I have downloaded an archive version of flash player, version, which I am using right now and I have disabled the pepflash version on chrome. Guess what....................SO FAR, SO GOOD. The meter is, as you say, as smooth as silk now. Fingers crossed that it stays that way, it might still be early days yet, but thanks to all you guys and your help i will be ripping up the course in no time.

    So, time to go and give it another try now. I am not used to the meter being fluid and moving at a constant rate, its going to take a bit of practice to get used to it, I cant wait. 

    Talk to you later mate...all the best ....S1XT0S 

  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:04 PM


    I DL'd Comona Dragon today and started using it... you might want to give it a good look! I'm very pleased with it and the more I use it the more I'm thinking to make it my default browser... it is neck and neck with chrome!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:24 PM

    Thanks to WGT, the new meters and the way they work has made the game much more playable for a lot of players. Thank you WGT!

    The Chrome browser should only be used by advanced computer users. All other players should use Maxthon, Waterfox 64 bit, Palemoon, or Firefox. These browsers won't auto update any additional part of the Adobe Flash player like Chrome does.