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Persistent Erratic Meter

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Thu, Aug 22 2013 2:08 PM (46 replies)
  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 5:00 PM

    Hello Hyena64,

    I have not had much chance to footer aboot lately with the PC. My damn gear lever on my cycle exploded on me when I was putting a new cable in. Springs of all shapes and sizes along with, what looks like cogs and gears, erupted all over the bloody place, ( al I did was remove a nut aswell.....phewwwww...?) Anyway, god only knows where they go hahaha.

    So, I am copying and pasting your note down, and I will try it out later on. I will give you a shout if I experience any problems........................if.........that's ok.

    Thanks mate....Talk to you later....S1XT0S 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 5:08 PM


    Yeah, some people are born to force against the current, and some like 2-1 are simply carried by it......................I bet the winds all face the green when you play WGT.

    By the way, I find google to be very PC literate ( I wish I could take the credit myself but really I am benefiting from some poor souls misery in the past ). Thank god for google hahaha.

    Talk to you later mate.......S1XT0S.

  • RampagingRodent
    415 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 9:27 PM


    I have been reading all your feeds and myself recently was having consistent problems with my meter. Such was the problem that I could not finish a round. A friend advised, from WGT, download comodo dragon and use this engine when playing WGT. Have not had a single glitch since.

    Good luck


    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 12:04 AM


    I bet the winds all face the green when you play WGT.

    LMAO, dont let WGT hear you say that S1, otherwise they will double the speed of those 30mph headwinds i get every time.


  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 3:23 PM

    Hello again Hyena64,

    The hardware acceleration was ticked on, so, I went to the middle file and set it to 1 MB, I am about to test it right now. 

    By the way. I have Activex 10 installed on the PC. I have also checked out 11.2 but not installed it yet ( I will try this thing out first ). One other thing, are you sure that the Activex Version is not for Internet Explorer, and the plugin version for chrome. Ach, it does'nt matter, it will be another string to my bow when I download it.

    Sorry about this mate, you must be Heart Roasted by now. hahaha.

    I will give you a heads up in a day or two Hyena64.....Talk to you later mate...S1XT0S. 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 3:38 PM

    Hello RampagingRodent,

    Thanks for the tip mate. That Comodo Dragon seems to be a very popular choice with the WGT players. A few of the guys have told me about that Browser and it all seems to be good.

    Still, its something I might try later on, once I have checked out all the other tips, and advice I've been given, concerning the flash versions. Right now though, I have changed my game settings to enable 1MB for the Flash file instead of the 100 KB ( see what happens). Time to check it out.

    All the same mate, I'm grateful to you for pitching in with whatever tips you have, its well appreciated, thank you again.

    Talk to you later mate...All the best..S1XT0S. 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 3:53 PM

    Hahaha, 30 mph headwinds, I am delighted to hear that, I mean, that's harsh mate, WHOA. It must be murder when you hit the ball too hard, and the wind blows the ball back towards the hole for you. 

    But seriously TWOMINUSONE, that is quite severe, my highest wind so far has been about 20 mph, its the meter that causes the ball to land about 40 miles from the hole.

    Not any more though mate, I am in the process of tweaking things so that I can get the best out of the game for longer, thanks to you guys.

    I will keep you posted on my progress. ( I am trying the main settings at 1 MB right now rather than 100 KB ) it's not too good with the typing, but might give me the edge on the course. I will soon see...hahaha

    Talk to you later mate....S1XT0S. 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 5:53 PM

    Hello mikejon,

    So far with the trial and error, the add blocker/popup blocker  turned off, does'nt make too much difference for me. ( in saying that , I have only tried the pop up blocker off ). The flash versions do make a difference, and so do the browsers, however, any browser I try, I still end up with the same result. The comodo dragon as a game browser, is fast and the most stable so far, but like the rest yields the same results, but. the stable meter lasts a little longer

    Maxthon will be next, and the add blocker off.

    At the end of the day I have noticed one simple, and main thing that has the meter going haywire (no matter what browser or flash version is being used ) and that is. ending rounds prematurely due to a few bad shots here and there, and beginning from scratch. This rapidly causes meter problems.

    Talk to you later mate....S1XT0S. 

  • S1XT0S
    24 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 6:06 PM


    I have tried the comodo dragon now for the past few days. The browser seems to be much quicker and stable when used as a games browser. The stable meter lasts longer and works just as well with the latest flash.

    The browser is an improvement on flash version 10.3, however, what I have noticed over the past few days is that I can get rounds and rounds of seamless play, as long as I carry on until the end. Cancelling or ending rounds a few times in succession, due to poor shots or a bad start, really causes the meter to act up rapidly, no matter what flash or browser I have.

    I am about to try this maxthon next. I will keep you posted mate.

    All the best...S1XT0S