+1 good idea Fabian!
2DAMFLASHY:...an this place would turn into drama city ...
is it not drama city already?
2DAMFLASHY:then the .. Geritol Tour ... for those over 60... 1 game a week .. with a schedual'd pee break ery 4 holes...
I'm only 59 .... can I get a sponsors exemption ???
lol !!... lvietri
well ... as long as u can pass a P.E.D. screening and leve a sleve of nikes by the bushes at the back corner of the club house... something can be arrange'd (wink*)
oh man...
i figure'd more imaginative minds would help me out...
the ,,, Conspiracy Tour .(for rigged theorist).... 1 round .. thats all will be needed ...winner will be determined"" IF"" anyone finishes and post their, PRE ARRANGED score .
2DAMFLASHY: then the .. Geritol Tour ... for those over 60... 1 game a week .. with a schedual'd pee break ery 4 holes...
then the .. Geritol Tour ... for those over 60... 1 game a week .. with a schedual'd pee break ery 4 holes...
Seriously, that's funny!
How about the "IronBones Tour". Everyone plays -- Chris can tell us what he was supposed to shoot if WGT had worked the way he expects it to .. and that score will count for Chris.
I'd like to be the bookmaker in this tour !!!!
very good idea Fabian ... +1
jackasper: 2DAMFLASHY: then the .. Geritol Tour ... for those over 60... 1 game a week .. with a schedual'd pee break ery 4 holes... I'm in for the Geritol tour!!! The pee breaks will depend on the time played, its usually about 3 am it hits me!!! lol Seriously, that's funny!
I'm in for the Geritol tour!!! The pee breaks will depend on the time played, its usually about 3 am it hits me!!! lol
+1 Fabian.
perhaps u can post this in product suggestion.