ok ..
these folks u call my cohorts and i ... all understand the word BETA ... kinda figure u should too ...
they all and i understand WGT is that way because WGT is a work in progress... that thankfully they let us play and even give feedback while they tweek on it ...
i wouldn't know a PROgrammer from a novic,grammer ... WHY i responded was the tone u seamed to take as if ... fixin this an that was so EZ u could do it ...an berating ppl you don't even know.. that i bet go to work just as you did all them years an try as HARD as they can to offer the best game they can...
as for the 150ft putter ..on fringe ..what's TO FIX ??? .. it has to give u something ? .. one click or two and u change to what u need .. hope it don't strain ya finger too much ..
they did a major meter fix..an it mite take a week or so after a update ..for everybdy to iron out the new bugs... so .... again it's BETA !! ...
i clear'd all my bugger's an wiped the cache whatchamacallit .updated my flashyness....an went on... an i play with diff ppl everyday...
i do know there are a buncha comp smart folks that hang out here...that bounce ideas at WGT an do it in the right fashon ... that would welcome your expertise ... if it dont come in the"" IM HOLY'R THAN THOU ''form.. .. reckon?
so anywho ...im gone... bak to the peanut gallery... an home of SMOoooOTH METERS ..