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Tue, Aug 6 2013 8:03 AM (52 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 9:50 PM

    ok ..

    these folks u call my cohorts and i ... all understand the word BETA ... kinda figure u should too ... 

    they all and i understand WGT is that way because WGT is a work in progress... that thankfully they let us play and even give feedback while they tweek on it ...

    i wouldn't know a PROgrammer from a novic,grammer ... WHY i responded was the tone u seamed to take  as if ... fixin this an that was so EZ u could do it berating ppl you don't even know.. that i bet go to work just as you did all them years an try as HARD as they can to offer the best game they can... 

    as for the 150ft putter ..on fringe ..what's TO FIX ???   .. it has to give u something ? .. one click or two and u change to what u need .. hope it don't strain ya finger too much ..

    they did a major meter it mite take a week or so after a update ..for everybdy to iron out the new bugs... so .... again it's BETA !! ... 

    i clear'd all my bugger's an wiped the cache whatchamacallit .updated my went on... an i play with diff ppl everyday... 

    i do know there are a buncha comp smart folks that hang out here...that bounce ideas at WGT an do it in the right fashon ... that would welcome your expertise ... if it dont come in the"" IM HOLY'R THAN THOU ''form.. .. reckon?

    so anywho gone... bak to the peanut gallery... an home of SMOoooOTH METERS ..



    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 10:13 PM

    yea paul...

    had one round last nite... game kept freezing.. .. but's what ive noticed...

    after a update... i will just mainly play with friends i know ..cleard'd an reset or whatever ..and play is great...

    but if i join a random... with say 3 players.. i don't even try 4 ..most time its folks that dont have a clue there even WAS an update .. they are laggin game down ...freezin whatever ...which then will freez me eventually .. if its like inbetween holes or somthing when one the others wont load.... 

    i will not get a ''continue'' button on score card so i know it has dropped someone or they froze or a bigfoot got em..not really sure.. 

    only takes me bout 30 secs to reload ... the buddy u met the other night .. after one update... everytime ..i would invite him ... then when we got to 1st would boot him... just that one time and then load an play fine... only did it when i invited  him tho... 

    strange....= beta boogymen   :)_~~

  • denn13
    43 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 10:14 PM

    PaulTon = "This is happening a lot, today and yesterday especially but would that be a programming problem?"

    Yes Paul... it most definitely is a programming problem.  I think whoever set this game up in the beginning is a master programmer, but things not getting fixed that SHOULD be fixed like giving you a 150 putter every time you land on the fringe, is a lack of concern on their part.  Once again… I’ve been playing here for over 8 months, and the fact that no one has bothered to fix it shows apathy and no concern for the players.  Fixing one thing and breaking another is not fixing things.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 10:36 PM



    Yes Paul... it most definitely is a programming problem


    I was meaning the game disconnections, if lots and lots of people play and do not have disconnection problems how can it be poor programming?

    Surely ,with all the packets of info going from wgt via flash to us and back, the disconnections will come from losses in that chain? That allied with PC's that aren't kept 'clean' ( I don't mean yours ) and the vagaries of internet connections in general seems a far more plausible reason.

    The thing about the 150 scale on fringe putts, I just don't see as a problem.

  • denn13
    43 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 10:40 PM



    Do you really understand what beta is, or did that just sound good to use?  My guess is that you don’t have a clue about programming.  I have put suggestions in to the programmers with absolutely no results.  There are three rules when it comes to programming. Number one is don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, the second one is don’t update one thing and break another.  The third is test, test, test, test, test… before doing an update.


    I, much more than you, know just how good the programmers who built this program in the beginning really are.  But is seems to me that the one’s who built it and the one’s who are doing the updates are NOT the same people.  Programmers come and go.  You’ll get good ones and better ones.  I would have fired the whole damn group if they had eight months to fix the fringe problem giving you a 150 putter every time.  And yes, all you have to do is a little extra clicking, but that is NOT the point.  Doing the job right is what I expect from a programmer… not just continuing to over look problems.


    We… (you and I) are customers.  We buy clubs, balls and attire.  The programmer’s job is to please the customer and if they can’t take a little criticism then they are in the wrong business.  They shouldn’t need someone like you defending them.  I expect there to be problems, and I expect them to get fixed.  I DON’T expect them to make new problems while fixing the ones they already have.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 10:49 PM

    The thing about the 150 scale on fringe putts, I just don't see as a problem.

    With all due respect, you dont see the 150 scale on fringe putts as a problem!

    One great round your having and you'll forget to check your putt increment/scale, and you'll blast it off the green, we've all done it, they'll all tell you they have.

    Here's an example and totally my fault for not checking, l played the 'legend' full 18 ready go @ Cabo, hit my approach to the 18th to 10ft, putted to 18" and had the tap in for a 58, didnt check and proceeded to blast it off the green, took a 9, would have been a top 3 finish, like l say my fault for not checking!!

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:26 PM

    Had an 18" tap in and didn't check, and it was on the green, not the fringe, it wasn't until after l'd hit that l noticed 150, as l say my fault for not checking!


    l played the 'legend' full 18 ready go @ Cabo, hit my approach to the 18th to 10ft, putted to 18" and had the tap in for a 58, didnt check and proceeded to blast it off the green, took a 9

    I don't begin to know why it gives us the 150 on the fringe. I simply follow the one hard rule on here & never trust the caddy for anything!

    Do you mean you had a tap in on the green & it gave you 150? Or did you putt to 18" & end up on the fringe with a tap in?  Obviously if you had a tap in on the green & got the wrong meter, that is a different animal needing to be euthanized. The fringe 150 isn't seen as an issue by wgt & therefore more than likely will never change.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:40 PM


    The thing about the 150 scale on fringe putts, I just don't see as a problem.


    What I mean is compared with the other problems which we cannot control this one is minor.At least we are aware of it and can remedy it ourselves. I have fallen foul of the 150 myself and can sympathise with your Cabo experience. It's the random disconnections that really burns my scones.