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Tue, Aug 6 2013 8:03 AM (52 replies)
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:45 PM

    Had an 18" tap in and didn't check, and it was on the green, not the fringe, it wasn't until after l'd hit that l noticed 150, as l say my fault for not checking!

    It gave you the 150 scale, 18" from cup! FFS, no wonder you were upset.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:53 PM

    And since the last update l've been getting a lot of 60ft scales for putts less than 15ft!


    Had an 18" tap in and didn't check, and it was on the green, not the fringe, it wasn't until after l'd hit that l noticed 150, as l say my fault for not checking!

    It gave you the 150 scale, 18" from cup! FFS, no wonder you were upset.


  • denn13
    43 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2013 12:01 AM


    We… (you and I) are customers

    Unfortunately, that is where you are wrong sir.  I agree it's how I feel & how I believe we should be seen, but it's just not the case.  In the eyes of wgt, we are simply beta testers as stated in the T & C.

    NO Mr. Hyena64 it is you who is wrong.  If they are selling me something and accepting money for said objects, then I become a customer of theirs.  I have no problem with them selling me products and me buying their products.  I want them to make money…  but you CANNOT say that you are not a customer of theirs unless you’ve never bought anything from them.  If we were simply beta testers then no money would be involved.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2013 12:08 AM

    Doesn't this unanswered question come into the debate?


  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2013 2:48 AM

    The last two games I got this message... "There has been an error with the game... Please close this window and try again later." The LAST game, I got kicked out 3 times. When I came back the last time it said I couldn't continue because I had quit 3 times. NO I never quit the game. The game quit me... 3 times!

    That "UNEXPECTED ERROR" disconnect issue has been here for at least as long as I have (a mere 3+ months), and probably much longer. Knowing my system and FIOS internet connection are fine, it seems to me that the problem is either an outright bug, or simply poorly-written communications code that isn't robust enough to handle the occasional dropped packet, or packets received out-of-order.

    To WGT: If you haven't already realized the following, it may be of some help, in the event that you actually have anyone there who is capable of, and who is tasked or permitted to fix this glitch-- The majority of these "UNEXPECTED ERROR" disconnects (at least 95% in my experience) occur immediately following a view change from one player to another, including mid-hole and between-holes player view changes. They never seem (to me) to occur during view changes associated with the motion of a ball in play. The new view will appear for a fraction of a second, before the error screen comes up. Perhaps the bug is somehow associated with the fade-out/fade-in effect?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2013 2:58 AM

    How come some people get lots of these error messages and others don't? Surely it must have something to with a players equipment or location or surely everybody would get the same amount. Serious question.

    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Aug 6 2013 4:54 AM

    well.... good morning .. 

    figur'd i'd have something to read here...

    normally i will just say my piece on what i consider to be a RANT blog ,then just go on..

    WHY... because i have found that once a person believe's they KNOW IT ALL ... or believe's its rigged or believe's WGT is out to get them.. NO amount of words or reasoning is gunna make a hill of beans diff... ..

    NO sir .. i said a few times i have NOT one bit of PROgramming knowledge ... so thats ...'''WHY ''  i check by these threads every day ... pay attention and know when an update is comming... find the  UPDATE thread immediately after the upgrade follow any suggestions'' IF ''  i need to ... 

    an as far as i know... everything i have that is paid for with credits ,, has always worked just fine.. .. i didn"t have to buy my meter ... did you ??? 

    OK back to the dang ..PUTTER default on fringe deal .. 1st just wondering ... was that what got ya ALL worked up to write this thread in the 1st place ??  2nd,  i been keeping up pretty good here for the last couple of years...&,, i have seen others b*tch about the same thing after they forgot to change it...BUT .. NO where have i seen WGT say ... that it was a BUG or had any intention of changing it ....can u show me where you seen this was supposed to be done ??   i will gladly apologize is what it is ... deal with it ... 

    i'm done... debate is fine.. not into fussin or whatever .yea guess i was defending wgt .. sorry,, i appreciate all they do,,,,also not gunna join yer programmer bashing parade,, were just diff ,,..  i can deal with that...:)

    SO,,. i am to play ... have a nice day .. sir


    ps..i would like to read an answer to courteney's question tho ..