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Alternate-shot mode - Suggestion

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Sun, Sep 22 2013 3:11 PM (14 replies)
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  • andreasbossi
    1 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 4:07 AM


    don't-know-if-anyone-already-brought-this-up,but i'd love to see some improvements done for the setting up of alternate shot matches!

    1. The players of both teams should be able to choose who's teeing of first! (so you don't always tee off on the same holes...)

    2. I would greatly apreciate if pin placements would change... (maybe in a random manner...)

    3. Same goes for the wind conditions and also the green speeds (could be either randomly or selectable...)

    4. And last but not least, it would be great if there was NO TIME LIMIT while setting up the match and inviting players! It's pretty frustrating to have the game cancelled after scrambling for a long time to find 3 other players! (many times you end up having players in the group who at the last moment quit again, because they didn't realize its an 18 holes setup, etc.)

    Just my thoughts, but I've heard this from plenty of other players too...;)

    Hope WGT can do something about that...this shouldn't be too complicated

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:39 AM

    I would really like to be able to play different tees and green speeds as well. These games don't count towards your avg or anything, if it can be set up in MP, should be on ALT games too.

  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 11:44 AM



    don't-know-if-anyone-already-brought-this-up,but i'd love to see some improvements done for the setting up of alternate shot matches!

    1. The players of both teams should be able to choose who's teeing of first! (so you don't always tee off on the same holes...)

    2. I would greatly apreciate if pin placements would change... (maybe in a random manner...)

    3. Same goes for the wind conditions and also the green speeds (could be either randomly or selectable...)

    4. And last but not least, it would be great if there was NO TIME LIMIT while setting up the match and inviting players! It's pretty frustrating to have the game cancelled after scrambling for a long time to find 3 other players! (many times you end up having players in the group who at the last moment quit again, because they didn't realize its an 18 holes setup, etc.)

    Just my thoughts, but I've heard this from plenty of other players too...;)

    Hope WGT can do something about that...this shouldn't be too complicated

    1. As far as I know you can select who tees off first.

    2. There a few courses that only have 1 set of pins. And all the others only have 2 so there is not a lot that can be done there. 

    3. Green speeds always default to the highest tier. Always has and probably always will. Not sure about the wind strength. 

    4. not sure if having no tome limit would be advisable. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 12:11 PM

    You can't choose B2B. The game starter always tees off first.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 1:35 PM


    You can't choose B2B. The game starter always tees off first.


    The game starter is often referred to as the "Host".

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 1:40 PM

    biggest update needed for alt shot is.....alt shot for credits...

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 2:02 PM


    biggest update needed for alt shot is.....alt shot for credits...

    You think there are sandbaggers in match play......................

    That said, I would love to play a few select folks for would be great fun among friends.  But, we do that anyway and gift sets of balls back and forth.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 2:23 PM



    biggest update needed for alt shot is.....alt shot for credits...

    You think there are sandbaggers in match play......................

    That said, I would love to play a few select folks for would be great fun among friends.  But, we do that anyway and gift sets of balls back and forth. thoughts were along the lines of your second comment...alt shot for credits with friends, etc..however...i wouldn't gift balls back and forth with our mutual frend telling where his balls have been

  • bettergloberoman
    586 Posts
    Mon, Aug 5 2013 2:45 PM

    Uneven lies in Alt Shot will be nice

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 7:49 AM

    Alt shot of credits is going to make friends fight.

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