1. Would be nice to see what kind of clubs the people have. Tough when your partner is playing with WGT Starters and your opponents both have R11's.
2. Also frustrating when your partner just quits. Why is reputation an unlit game option, and how do I give my input on the reputation of others? 99% of people are fun, respectful and nice; 1% incorrigible.
Point #1...you can...during the game, click on their name and then when their mini profile comes up, click "equipment"...shows you what they have
Point #2 "reputation" has been grayed out for a very long time. WGT never actually used it. I don't think they ever found a way to make it fair/realistic/not grossly affected by people who don't like you, etc, etc. Also, what excatly is "reputation...is it how much you engage in chat during a game? is it whether you concede everything inside 3 feet? is it when you say nice shot every time the other bloke hits a fairway or puts it inside 6 feet? is it how many friends you have?...does it consider if your internet connection fails during a game, or if WGT loading has issues?.too hard to place a numeric value on all that I think.