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Goodbye WGT

Thu, Aug 22 2013 2:56 PM (212 replies)
  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:03 AM

    Having read with interest the thoughts and posts on this thread - can I say to everyone that FECKS 11 has been removed from our CC (AJRoberts and Friends) due to a continued lack of respect to posters on these forums! I have had a few personal messages regarding his comments in the past and the CC doesn't need members like that!



  • johehejo
    282 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:35 AM

    Hallo Hans - meine Abschiedsworte in der Muttersprache. ;)

    Wenn WGT nicht einmal ein deutsches Outfit hin bekommt - ich schaffe es zumindest mit ein paar  deutschen Worten. ;)

    Persönlich möchte ich Dir danken - für Deine Tipps und die aufmunternden Worte vor den US Open - und vor der Qualifikation. ;) Auch die Blitz Spiele möchte ich nicht missen - Pebble Beach an der 18 mit Startern, das hatte was. ;)

    Ich hatte vor, schon früher etwas zu schreiben - hab dann aber das getan, was mir wichtiger ist. War mal mit dem Sohnemann unterwegs ... 

    Klick 1

    Klick 2

    Zu Deinem Eingangsposting haben sich viele Leute geäußert - mir ist keines aufgefallen, dass dem widersprochen hätte. 52iger oder 53iger Runden sind für einige hier jeden Tag drin. Alba, HIO oder gleich 2 in einer Runde - alles kein "DING".

    Mark und Michael haben angerufen und ich soll Dich grüßen - der eine trinkt in Spanien ein Bier, der andere Auf Sylt gleich 2 auf Deine Gesundheit. ;)

    Mach es gut - ich werde Dir, wenn es Dir nichts ausmacht, per Mail ab und zu auf den Geist gehen und Dir mal den Runden Schnitt auf 18 Loch durchgeben. Wenn wir die 49 als Tagesdurchschnitt erreicht haben und der Driver die 500 Yard erreicht hat, auf Cabo Loch 4 ein Hole in One Voraussetzung ist - dann steigst Du sicherlich mal wieder für ein paar Runden ein. ;)

    GlückAuf und alles, alles Gute.



    2,580 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:49 AM

    I have had the pleasure of playing a game with you already Hans, and notice a few here have stated they would love to play a game. So i will pass on this 1 to give somebody else who hasnt had a game with you a chance. Best of luck.

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:55 AM


    Take care old friend :) the banter ends....

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:23 AM

    Well the utmost respect to you, i have read some of his comments and was quite appalled by his outbursts.

    Once again thankyou!!


    Having read with interest the thoughts and posts on this thread - can I say to everyone that FECKS 11 has been removed from our CC (AJRoberts and Friends) due to a continued lack of respect to posters on these forums! I have had a few personal messages regarding his comments in the past and the CC doesn't need members like that!




  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:26 AM

    Will probably (will be confirmed within 1 hour from now) play 2 final alternate shot games this evening (GMT time). 2 spots are occupied already, 4 more open. Whoever wants to join at either 7:30pm GMT or 9:30pm GMT today, just leave a short notice here or via private message please.

    Cheers, Hans

    I would like that very much.

    Will try to be on between those hours while at work.

  • fecks11
    235 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:17 AM

    Having read with interest the thoughts and posts on this thread

    It's a pity you did not put this effort into making your CC interesting, Good luck in your career in the internet police and with your online friends. you might even get some members from your very public post which I suspect was your reason for posting in the first place.

  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 11:53 AM


    I would like that very much.

    Will try to be on between those hours while at work.

    Confirmed Joseph, teetime 7:30pm GMT ;-)

    1 remaining free spot for both the 7:30pm GMT and the 9:30pm GMT time!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 11:59 AM

    I'd feel privileged to be part of your swansong. 9.30 if possible.