I do believe that WGT does care about it's users. However (according to the numbers that I see) there are 6 million users or some number like that.
Responding to the demand of the user community is a tough thing, especially when the community wants different things and has different issues. What is a problem for some isn't a problem for others, what is important to me might not even be on your radar.
I still believe that WGT would be well served to create a super player group that brings forth the needs of the community. Maybe pick a dozen of the owners of the top Country Clubs or some group like that. They could meet online and discuss their consensus for change, new products, improvements, etc.
I have to see anyone leave and we have lost many good players and it seems that many of us are not full time players anymore. I'm a proud member of the Deviations and I would suspect that the play by our members is half of what it was a year ago.
It is time that WGT steps up and works with it's user base to at least understand the issues that we have and work with the users to achieve common goals. They don't have to do this, no business is required to listen to it's users, however I would suggest that any business that does not do that will be doomed to eventually fail.
Put on your big boy pants WGT and work with your users to keep us happy, in the end it will benefit both sides.